posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:07 PM
I've always wanted to do something like this, but my previous attempts have been underwhelming. Once I tried to have a philosophical column in a
school newspaper, but the students were not overly interested in reading. Or thinking about ideas. Then I tried a rather short lived blog about the
same things. That didn't go so great. (though I may repost this on it, just to see.)
Here on ATS, I think I may be able to actually get some valuable feedback and some discussion going. We have some wonderful thinkers here, and many
people who can form a solid argument one way or the other. What better place to try and tackle philosophical ideas?
So what am I going to start with? Well, here in north America, and I would venture elsewhere, we seem to have a very strong yearning for a better
society. There is a lot of disagreement as to what that society would be like, or how we would get to it. This is causing some very vocal and worrying
schisms in our society. You needn't look far to see the evidence of this.
What is to be done then? How do we get our change? How do we build a better world? And also important, how do we get everyone on board with it?
Barring that, how can we keep those who aren't on board with it from destroying what we create?
Many would say it must start with a completely change government, we must get 'our' people in power and throw out the rest. Then we can start
effecting change and start on our journey to a better society. I'd like top disagree with this.
I'm sure any number of you can think of your own example of a political candidate who sounded good to us, but after being in power for awhile, they
seem to change. They become corrupted and just become part of the problem. Suddenly our hopeful candidate is just another power broker.
I'd venture that this comes about due to the nature of the politics game. It's a very twisted game they play, where favors and who you know is much
more important then what you stand for. The only way to get anywhere is with friends in high places. So you compromise a little here, give a little
there, and before you know it, just another cog.
So how do we stop this from happening to those we want as our representatives? On a more basic level, how could we keep ourselves from falling into
this trap? This isn't just a problem of politics, it's a problem in business, it's a problem in our personal lives, it's a problem the whole world
over. It's a problem of trust.
We don't trust people, we can't. Experience has shown us that people will rip us off for their own gain. Politicians do it. Businessmen do it. Our
kin will do it. In short, we can think of examples of people of almost any walk of life doing it.
Why though? Why would we make a world so distrusting, where the only way to get things done is through deceit and secret deals? We didn't just decide
one day to make this world, it happened over time. Bit by bit. We gave up honesty in favor of our 'safety'. Trust gave way to suspicion. And now
suspicion gives way to paranoia.
So obviously, we must regain each others trust. We must rebuild the bridges we've burned. We must reshape the society we live in. But wouldn't that
mean opening ourselves up to more pain? Wouldn't people come and take advantage of us and our new openness?
Yes. Yes they would. So then what? We change the game. Make it so that dishonesty is not tolerated. Make so that dishonesty of any sort simply is not
welcome. Be it professionally integrity, personal integrity, spiritual integrity, any form of lying must be held to the same standard of honesty.
So how do we get others to do this? We don't. We can't. Nothing you say or do can force some one to be honest. They must want to. You must want
If enough people hold to the value of honesty, then they will be able to make a network of trust among them and their peers. People will remember you
as a honest person, and some may even choose to be like you.
We would be the alternative to all the lies in the world. We would be the new game. Piece by piece, person by person, we could rebuild the webs of
trust that have been broken and twisted. We could effect a positive change on the whole world.
It would be a hard thing at first though, indeed it will be a hard thing. Don't assume otherwise. If you were running a business it could be the
difference between huge profits, or doing the job right. In your religious life it could be the difference between clinging to a untenable idea, or
rejecting the spiritually false. In your personal life, it could be the difference between being accepted by the crowd, or taking a stand.
In my life, it has meant not being afraid of those with more power then me. It has meant casting off 'friends' who were only in it to take advantage
of me, and taking a few back again once I had seen their change. It has meant throwing out ideas and beliefs that I had once though unquestionable
because I had the honesty of spirit to examine things before the light of truth.
I'm no prophet. I'm no great thinker. I'm just a man who wants to make a point and make a difference. I hope you were able to gather that point
from this mass of words. I hope it may make you examine your life in a new light. I hope. I hope for a better tomorrow.