Well, let's put him in a position of power for a day see what he can do.
I'm not talking about the TPTB and shadow government stuff here; let's for a minute see some real administration and politic that govern our
everyday life.
-It will be a little complicated-
>We are living in a democracy system
we elected other trustworthy individuals to represent us and fight for out interest.
they are human, therefore they also have different values and interests, some of which could conflict with ours, but they wanted to be elected so why
not lie. Conclude -we want representation, they want election = some of our interest got represented as well as some of theirs, in extreme cases only
theirs got represented.
>Once become a top guy
meaning you have to be playing politic very well which mean you have made alot of political connection, promises, and dirty deeds.
you are only in that position for a temporary period of time therefore you could not make lot of real long term programs.....so why not focus more on
the present than on the future. (War = Money = Control = War)
you have to fulfill promises that you have made prior becoming a top guy.....otherwise you dirty deed could be blown and you would lost a ATM machine
for the next election.
Most of your bills, values, and promise-to-the-people have to be compromised so you can advance in your role of a top guy, otherwise NONE of them
shall be passed.
you are only one human, you cannot oversee eveything that is happening around you, you can only see some major events that directly affect your roles
rather than seeing events that affect others.
There are lots to this argument......I recommend people who interested in these kind of subject looking into it.