posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 07:21 AM
Access is now restricted.
Over the next few days, your moderator team leaders will be able to assign access rights to the qualified members.
When you post new threads to this forum, your subject lines must begin with one of the following ALL-CAPS subject prefixes:
DEFENSE: (Military, war in Iraq, etc.)
TERRORISM: (The War on terror)
ECONOMY: (Jobs, economic policy, etc.)
SOCIAL: (Medicare, Social Security, AIDS, Gay Marriagge, etc.)
TAXES: (The "dirty" topic)
FOREIGN: (Foreign Policy)
ENERGY: (Oil, alternatives, etc.)
EDUCATION: (Public, vouchers, etc.)
ENVIRONMENT: (Parks, polution, etc.)
ETHICS: (Corporate governance, political ethics, campaign finance reform, etc.)
This will ensure that all topics appear in the proper sub-sections of the new dedicated website.