posted on May, 18 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Bixxi3
I think you are asking if I wrote the blog or the story and I can assure you that I had nothing to do with that at all. Fortunately, a search by
another member found it, and I must admit I am ashamed I did not find it first because the lady who does author that blog is a friend of mine. I can
say that I have spoken with her since I began this thread and her information is far more complete than mine and most likely more viable in the long
Thank you for the compliment that I almost write as well as she does. I consider her a tremendous role model for myself.
Finally, I absolutely agree with you about how in the world the government, the perimeter authorities, or whoever could possibly contain such an
event. This is the closest I can come to questioning an otherwise completely trustworthy resource of mine. In the end, however, I would like to
believe that those who know me recognize my loyalty, so I will continue to support my friend's account, but keep a weary eye towards the subject of
censorship that could silence such a large number of people. In fact, that makes for a good thread of it's own I think. Is it realistic or even
possible at all to censor a population the size of China's? If so, how?
By the way, I did not think you were rude or aggressive and I welcomed your input as it definitely stands on it's own merits. I always appreciate
constructive thought.