posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:01 PM
Ever since I saw an episode of the Series "Through the wormhole" with Morgan Freeman, this idea has intrigued me. It is the possibility that our
existence, everyone and everything we know, is in fact, a simulation in a vast computer. G Nick Bostrom of Oxford University published this idea in
his paper "Are you living in a computer simulation?"
In short, he theorized that eventually computational power will reach a level where human consciousness could be simulated, and eventually even the
environment that the virtual human lived in could be simulated seamlessly. In essence, using a computer with the mass of a planet, the entire universe
could hypothetically be simulated. The simulated beings in this universe would most probably not know they were, in fact, simulated. He then goes on
to give an estimate of the possibility that in fact, we are, living in a simulation. The funny thing is, if we are, I don't believe there is any way
to know it. Unless of course, the entity running the simulation decides to let us know. We are already starting to simulate worlds, Second life is a
good example of a very rudimentary reality simulation. One wonders what the state of this technology might be in say 1000 years, especially
considering we have gone from the video game pong, to almost photo-realistic video games in under 50 years.
I am wondering if there IS any evidence we are living in a simulation. One interesting aspect is how subatomic particles are basically analogous to
just units of information. Also the uniformity of the physical laws throughout the universe. What is the force that controls, creates this uniformity?
Very weird indeed.