posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:43 AM
Hello All,
give me a moment if you will to introduce myself, I live in Belgium (Europe) close to one of our Flanders’ port towns. I have been a lurker on ATS
for about 4 years and enjoyed following many interesting discussions here in the fora.
I've joined ATS because i believe (hope) i can contribute to the content and colour of the community as a whole.
Beside my professional career in the IT branche i am a father of 3 and a hardened reader of a variety of subjects (the exact sciences, religions,
esotheric works), i also often hope for clear weather since i'm doing a bit of amateur astronomy of late
Around the age of 7 or 8, I started questioning the validity of things i got to learn in school, what people told me and later expanded this criticism
to the media in general. Luckely my parents (bless them) encouraged me to read books, view documentaries etc. so i devoured a lot of them in the next
25+ years.
While reading both works from proponents and critics of a thought, a theory, a vision or a belief I learned to be more criticaly myself (even that
view will still be subjective , i realize that all too well) .
When the internet came into being this opened up a lot of new possibilities and sources and with it came also the greater need to criticise and
distinguish between facts/believes/opinions etc...still facts arent everything , our brain has a huge potential to extrapolate, rationalize
and...dream, to me its the most formidable tool ever deviced and we should never stop using it.
Tnx for bearing through this intro
and tnx for heaving me.