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IMF Leader Arrested After Alleged Sex Attack

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posted on May, 15 2011 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

are those in power now actually going to start taking each other out?

That would be great if this caused a cascade of political house cleaning by the May queen.
The conspiracy of silence that protects these jerks finally uncovered.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Bordon81

Actually, the story is not as cristal clear as it seemed because the first guy who twitted about the arrest (hours before mainstream media) is an active member of the UMP, the French presidential party (President Sarkozy's party). He said a friend of a friend of his works in the Sofitel (a French brand...) and told him about DSK's arrest.
The world is small.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Bordon81

You're dreaming awake! Be careful.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:17 AM
This is the man who speaks openly about a new world currency. I know he is only a puppet, but I have no problems seeing him go down.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:55 AM
I believe this is a huge move. I don't think it has something to do with him wanting to run for President of France. Not at all.

I believe what is at play here is of an economic nature. I've heard from a contact I have that he was arrested because he wanted (and actually was going to) re-denominate the Iraqi Dinar. This is huge people, I don't know if you can perceive the size of this news. This is a political arrest, a bad guy being legally arrested by the good ones.

Yes, this is possible, and someone for whom I have a great respect for is passing me this intel.
edit on 15-5-2011 by Gab1159 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

Thanks for clarifying MrWendal. I guess we all learned something new today

edit on 15-5-2011 by Reaching because: typo

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

But such wild and crazy behavior at 62? Wow.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

That's a really insightful perspective Mike, and you presented it really clearly - thanks very much.

There is also the potential that this had something to do with him planning to run against Sarkozy.

The first question is, can we rule out that something did happen with the maid?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Gab1159

What impact does his sex scandal have on that issue however? The IMF can simply fire and replace him. Its highly unlikely (in my opinion) that the moves of the IMF are his responsibility alone. A sex scandal is very personal, very narrow in focus, only on HIM. Its an embarrassment for the IMF, but easily brushed off if they distance themselves from him as organizations whose members are indiscreet often do.

I think its much more likely to be a way to prevent him from a personal move in his career. Like running for office.

It would be interesting to see the timeline of the attack, and the release of that statement by his camp warning that he is being targeted for a smear campaign by Sarkozy. If the warning comes before the alleged attack, it makes it highly likely Sarkozys people are involved somehow with the sex scandal. If the warning comes immediately after the attack, its more likely to be damage control for something he did on his own.

The fact that he is known to have a sexual weakness COULD mean he and he alone is responsible for the attack, and they are just taking full advantage of it. Or, it COULD mean that the maid was bait. And he bit, but she didnt.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS

The IMF, historically has been an asset of the US State Department. I would say this is still true. At this moment, the IMF are pushing their way into the EU. In the past, they would put third world nations in a form of debt bondage to the bank. Lastly, they are pushing for a "global reserve currency", that could become a global currency over time. This would make the IMF into the world's central bank or "Global Reserve Bank".

Where do you get that the IMF is an asset of the US State Department.? Im not saying its not true, Im just saying I cant see how the IMF is actually submissive to any part of the US government. It seems to me the other way round.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by jeanne75018

It may well be that this old guy's bad behavior has just finally caught up with him.

He did admit to cheating on his wife a few years ago, which suggests that he has some problems with self control.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

I never thought of that Johny. Of course he could just hire a prostitute whenever he wanted!

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:34 AM
(Heard aboard Air France jet...) ** Cue 'Lethal Weapon 2' line...:**

"Diplomatic immunit.... wai... What?! Where are you taking me?"

Bigger, harder, fall, etc... I tend to believe that absolute power corrupts, so should this be all that surprising if true?

The bigger, hidden story is that this maid had the cops on this guys ass before he could flee the country, and they actually got him! Kudos to NY's finest for the quick nab! *claps*

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by DjDoubleD

The bigger, hidden story is that this maid had the cops on this guys ass before he could flee the country, and they actually got him! Kudos to NY's finest for the quick nab! *claps*

That is heartwarming. That his powerful position did not protect him from getting his butt dragged off a plane to go talk to the police. And yes, kudos to the NYPD for nabbing him.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:40 AM

With the global economy still fragile after the worst downturn since the 1930s and Europe gripped by a debt crisis, the scandal involving Dominique Strauss-Kahn could hardly have come at a worse time for the International Monetary Fund.

The organisation now risks being left rudderless as delicate negotiations take place on the terms of a new loan package to Greece and as the fund seeks agreement on policies to prevent a relapse into recession.

It also looks inevitable that there will be a power struggle to fill the vacuum at the fund, with the developing world insisting that the time has come to end the carve up between the Europeans and the Americans of the top jobs at the IMF and its sister organisation, the World Bank.

If there was any threat that the IMF would launch an SDR alternative to the USD, it is all over now. According to the NYPost, IMF head Dominique Strauss-Khan (no Bob Pisani, it is not a she) was just arrested on board the first class cabin (thank you taxpayers) of a New York-Paris flight as it was about to take off. And here is where the story gets surreal: "Around noon today, a maid at the hotel [the Sofitel by Times Square] knocked on the door of Strauss-Khan’s room. After letting the maid in, Strauss-Khan allegedly threw the maid on the room’s bed and forced her to perform oral sex on him, said police sources. Strauss-Khan let the maid leave — and soon afterward, headed off to Kennedy Airport for his flight to Paris." Of course this will not be the first sexual misconduct for the head of the world's global pseudo bail out organization: as a reminder back in 2008 the IMF hired a law firm to investigate whether its chief had an improper relationship with a female employee, Piroska Nagy. Back then he got off. This time he won't (even though he did... in a way), and it appears that the IMF is about to lose its head, meaning the fate of literally unlimited bailout funding is now up in the air.

edit on 15/5/2011 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Gab1159

Hi Gab,

I am interested to hear more of your perspective about why this is huge and who the good guys are.

I really didn't know anything about this individual when I began this thread but it really jumped out at me as a possible conspiracy.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

It makes me wonder several this a power struggle among elites or have everyday people had enough of the special treatment and alternative justice of the elite?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Well, that takes us back to square one. So it very well could be the IMFs moves that got him set up, or his presidental moves that got him set up, or the very real possibility that he just cant control his johnson.

Lol. Good finds Kosmicjack.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

You are very smart and very funny.

The more I read about this, the more I'm leaning toward conspiracy.

Housekeeping is honest work, I'm not disrespecting it at all, but in his position, this guy surely has 'lots of money, which suggests a luxury lifestyle.

Would he risk his future with someone who has just been scrubbing toilets rather than paying a high end prostitute?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Good question. I honestly dont think, though I could be wrong, that enough of the worlds little people really get what they are doing yet.

People are still pointing fingers at nations rather than at these puppet masters controlling the actions of nations.

It could be a power struggle among the big guys. It could just be haste and carelessness too. I dont know if you are in agreement, but a lot of the power grabs, (Libya) have seemed so rushed, careless, almost surreal. It seems like there is a rush to complete the consolidation of power, and its making them really careless and almost stupid in some ways.

I just cant see the "why the hurry" after decades of slow, very cautious movement towards their goal.

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