posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by SigmundFRAUD
God, aliens, angels, demons, could indeed all be the same things, it's just a matter of semantics. I've never understood the people that think the
existence of one negates the possibility of the other.
Personally I believe that the 'God' of the bible was probably what we would call today an 'alien' or advanced being. The force that really is 'God' is
something of a much more complex nature.
I think that thousands of years ago mankind was only able to make sense of what might have been advanced technology or beings by labelling them as
angels or gods. Today many people still do this as the concept of an abstract creative force that is both good and evil simultaneously is a hard one
to grasp. Again good and evil are concepts that man uses to make sense of what we see and which is sometimes hard to understand.
As our understanding of the universe moves along I think human beings will have to employ a less primitive way of thinking in order to understand the
beings we have labeled as 'gods' or 'angels'. I believe that when we finally make open contact with other races, they will have also moved on from the
tales from holy books and view the creative powers of the universe in a much more mature manner. They will generally look at such things in much more
scientific terms and not view other beings as worthy of their worship or unquestioning obedience. They might even be some of the beings that have been
called gods in the past!
edit on 15-5-2011 by DrHammondStoat because: bufoonery