posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:15 AM
Welcome Aboard!
Since you are into talk radio and podcasts I would suggest viewing the many videos available here on ATS in the Media section, and on links on the
Recent Posts Page.
I will also recommend that you join one of the Saturday Night
ATS Live shows, which start at 9pm
Eastern. You can listen in to the live stream via several avenues, and then watch what goes on in chat using the voyeur button as OL suggested, so you
can see how folks cut up.
I am there when I am not at work, but unfortunately for all concerned, this month I work overnight on every Saturday night, so next month I will be
there. I know you were waiting to hear that, right?
Seriously though, I think the moderators who run that show are wondeful and you will enjoy it. Hope to see ya there in June!