posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:19 PM
2 "separate but similar" things/qualities are integrated/made into 1 thing(while holding the qualities of both); that 1 thing is then split into 3
things, making 3 parts of 2. how is this possible you may ask, well... through the universe.
What does this mean? It means ~all~ is ever present. It means you are not really alive/dreaming. It means that nothing really exists. It means you are
1, and 1 is you. It means you are ~all~; you are ever present. It means you are that~; you are that~. It means you are the end, and not the
It means Plato was right. Outside of this; exists infinity. Inside of this, exists 1.
It means the separation was real. It means the big bang was the alpha. It means the energy can never touch the environment. It means the environment
is the presence of the creator. It means the nothingness made you.
1 thing(having the qualities of everything) is split into 2 things, those 2 things are then split through infinity, infinite times; that 1 thing is
made into 0 things. how is this possible you may ask, well... through the universe.
What does this mean? It means that ~all~ is nothing. It means you are real, it means you are alive/dreaming. It means that everything exists. It means
that you are 0 and 0 is you. It means you are nothing, and nothing is ever present. It means that~ you are this~.
It means that we will be annihilated. It means that "this" is needed for our survival. It means that you are the beginning and not the end. It means
the creator no longer exists, it means there is no possibility, only a door that leads to a pathway. Only a tunnel that leads to the light. The only
way it could have happened.
Say what you do, do what you say. Be what you are. Make what you respond.
Make. Believe.