posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 11:54 AM
Outsourcing means giving your job to someone else just as skilled but in another country for less pay. The same thing applies to machines but less
pay turns to zero pay. You just have to fix it and go. A machine should typically last for about 30 years brand new. You guys say thing like "they
said washing machines would replace us." Well, the problem is that humans think and learn. We remeber, make relationships and build and take apart
things from what we learn. I've read the posts posted here and from it, created my own sentences from my past experiences. I try to keep my post
similar to what is expected because that is what was repeated over and over again. Everything I do begins with a premutation from an original idea.
In dealing with neural nets and bayseian algorithms. And not to mention premutations like:
You begin to see that things can learn over time and maybe you think you like the way rac looks better then car. Same thing a machine can do to
learning something. A machine over time, given the proper algorithms and the right language will begin to "learn" the correct way of doing
something. It will begin to see the rac always fits. a given situation. Like a machine today might put together a widget. But a leaning machine
will look at it and may see an improvement on it or a permutation that looks better. It might see that as air flows over the wing of a jet and
produces certain numbers, it may adjust the numbers of the CAD program to ensure the airflow produces even better numbers. What you begin to have is
algorithms that over time produces better and better results without the need of human intervention. You can then trust robots to do tasks and not
make mistakes because it has a database filled with the paramters (numbers) of what counts as a mistake that has given to it by humans and passed to
it from other robots. Robots think in nano-seconds or faster. The different with the past is that our computers are faster now and our programming
and the number of programmers needed to carry out AI is improving.
What happens when a robot can scan all of your documents and do your taxes according to mathematical algorithms on how to prepare taxes. How about
interpret laws or build machines. It's all just a matter of time for the right programmers to be motivated enough to build the right set of
algorithms that create if else statements and allow the machine to automatically save it to a file and update that if else statment in the file based
on new conditions. You know like appending and or read/writing that file based on condtional statements. The machines will begin to think based on
the probable chance of what it will set into action is the most logical choice based on a given set of actions it should carry out. Machines could be
used for strategic planning, driving cars, building buildings, flying planes, the works.
So, one machines can think ... where do we fit in. Do we let the machines simply create the best possible choices faster then we can think? (Big
Blue) I say the choice left to humans is exploring the stars. Most things at home will be automated with the chance for an accident close to zero or
(1/n) (where n is infinitely large).
New technologies leading the way:
ArcView GIS
Now, try and compare your washing machine.