posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:36 PM
Ok, short, revelant history:
My son has been in trouble a few times in past, have another post about his issues.
Son had a girlfriend EXACTLY like himself, which meant they were like oil and water. Meet her parents several times over all this. They broke up.
Yeah! Right?
I got home from work the other day, around 5:15. I’d been home about a half an hour, and I notice a car drive slowly by my house. I’m in the
country, so this catches my interest. I hear it turn around in the neighbors drive, and accelerate. I stand up to watch out my front window, and it
pulls in my driveway. While it is still moving, both back doors are opening and two boys jump out.
I immediately walk out the front door. Three boys, (16-18) meet me at the end of my porch. I ask them what they want and they are looking for my
son. He wasn’t home, and I went momma bear on them. They were so stunned, they even gave me their names. This went on for 10 min.
They started walking to the car and I realized that there is a girl driving. Guess who? I walked right over to her and chewed her out for 15 min. (I
cannot believe she didn’t just back out of the driveway.)
Anyway, my problem here is that these kids, at this time of day, show up at MY house, with the intent to beat up my son. How flipping stupid are
kids these days?
Besides the fact that I could have called the police immediately, I shutter to think what would have happened to them if my husband would have been
home. What if I would have invited them into the house? I could have claimed they were there to hurt me, and really hurt them.
Are kids really that stupid these days? Or just ballsy? I would have NEVER had the nerve to try to confront someone’s parent’s if I was looking
for them.
BTW, this was over, of all things, a stolen pipe, of the non-tobacco variety, as they were dumb enough to tell me.