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My personal theory on the 11:11 and other number phenomenon

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posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:17 PM
If this needs to be moved sorry was not sure where to put it.

Over the last couple years i have noticed with an uncanny accuracy i am always happening to look at a clock when it is 1:11 11:11 2:22 9:11 etc..
Now being what i consider a very skeptical person i am looking at this with the information i know and to not attribute it to anything paranormal.
Now heres my theory and feel free to disagree with me and share your own opinion in an adult fashion and try to stay on topic with the posts please.

I am convinced that the only reason this occurs is cause we are subconsciously training our brains to look at the clock without even realizing it. My theory comes from watching my dogs behavior bare with me lol.

Now i am sure most would agree with me that dogs probably do not have a conception of time as this is a human attribute. Yet without failure my dogs internal clock will always tell them when it is either there dinner time 6:30 or the usual times they would go outside etc. my point is without them knowing what time is they have a timed schedule.

So my best guess is without us realizing we are training our own internal clocks to notice these certain times 1:11 11:11 by something in our brain telling us hey look at the clock lol. In the same way my dogs internal clocks say hey its 6:30 i should be eating. The more we notice the more we are training our brains subconsciously to look at the clock at these time then we start seeing it much more frequently cause we are looking for it without realizing. Just my own personal theory and look forward to others opinions on my thoughts thanks for your time ats.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:27 PM
Interesting theory.

MY theory is that we look at the clock many times but when it is a number that means nothing but the time
like 2:00 we just say "it's two o'clock" or 3:15 "it's three fifteen.

But when the number is something of significance like 9:11 or 12:34 then we stop and say "wow, that's weird".

I think for every time we see a strange number and reflect on it we see a "normal" number and just dismiss it.

Say you look at a clock 80 times a week and you only see a meaningful number 3 times but it stays with you where the other 77 times it was just a random time and you don't think about it.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by violentz313
If this needs to be moved sorry was not sure where to put it.

Over the last couple years i have noticed with an uncanny accuracy i am always happening to look at a clock when it is 1:11 11:11 2:22 9:11 etc..
Now being what i consider a very skeptical person i am looking at this with the information i know and to not attribute it to anything paranormal.
Now heres my theory and feel free to disagree with me and share your own opinion in an adult fashion and try to stay on topic with the posts please.

I am convinced that the only reason this occurs is cause we are subconsciously training our brains to look at the clock without even realizing it. My theory comes from watching my dogs behavior bare with me lol.

Now i am sure most would agree with me that dogs probably do not have a conception of time as this is a human attribute. Yet without failure my dogs internal clock will always tell them when it is either there dinner time 6:30 or the usual times they would go outside etc. my point is without them knowing what time is they have a timed schedule.

So my best guess is without us realizing we are training our own internal clocks to notice these certain times 1:11 11:11 by something in our brain telling us hey look at the clock lol. In the same way my dogs internal clocks say hey its 6:30 i should be eating. The more we notice the more we are training our brains subconsciously to look at the clock at these time then we start seeing it much more frequently cause we are looking for it without realizing. Just my own personal theory and look forward to others opinions on my thoughts thanks for your time ats.

Think about it like this.

If it's true, then you need to understand that your clock may/may not be off.

If you look at 11:11 on your clock and it is accurate, what about the time you noticed 11:11 on a clock that was technically a few minutes ahead?

I think the poster above me is right. You make a mental note on numbers that stick out.

I kept looking 1:23 and 12:34 for example, but I think that it is subconscience at work more than anything relevant.
edit on 12-5-2011 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:36 PM
But why would you be training yourself to look at the clock during these times? You stated that you are a skeptic so what would be the reason you would look?

I see sequential numbers all the time. It isn't anything that disturbs me anymore. There is no relevance to the numbers I see, they just happen to be in a certain order. I also do not think that I am training myself to look at the clock at 11:11. 12:12, 01:11, etc.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by violentz313

Tell us a little about you, this is the introductions forum after all.
You have all the time in the world to talk about your ideas about time in the right forum.

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posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by violentz313

I wouldn't be surprised at the training theory.

If I need to wake up early in the morning I can tell myself what time I need to wake up and I'll wake up a few minutes prior. I think this is due to the hatred for the sound of alarm clocks that I developed in college. Now I am able to wake up a minute or two before so I can turn it off before it turns on regardless of what time I set it for. As long as my mind knows what time I need to wake up, this happens.
edit on 5/12/2011 by scojak because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by mwood
MY theory is that we look at the clock many times but when it is a number that means nothing but the time
like 2:00 we just say "it's two o'clock" or 3:15 "it's three fifteen.

But when the number is something of significance like 9:11 or 12:34 then we stop and say "wow, that's weird".

Yup, exactly right. Many of us unconsciously look at the time many, many times a day and may or may not even notice what time it is. I've caught myself looking and then looking again 30 seconds later because despite looking the first time I didn't even pay attention to it. But if it's what my wife and I call "french fries" (11:11) then I notice it. Once you start to notice any particular number, then you're more sensitive to it and will take notice of it whenever it comes up while dismissing all the other random numbers. So your perception ends up being that every time you look at the time you see that certain number, whereas the reality is that you actually saw many more numbers throughout the day, you just didn't pay attention to them because they weren't memorable. I'd bet that pretty much all people who claim to be seeing a certain number "all the time" don't even realize they're checking the time much more often than they realize.
edit on 12-5-2011 by SavedOne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by violentz313

I honestly don't know why but for the past 2years I have the same thing happen to me, 9 out of 10 times when I look at the clock it is something 11 doesn't matter what. More than that I believe the number 11 to be a sign of something. I am a local filmmaker in Canada and just finished shooting my dream long feature film, the date I picked to start filming was march 11, somewhere inside me I knew something was going to happen, just had a feeling and when I was leaving in the morning to go to set to shoot, I saw on the news the Japan quake and I can't say I was surprised I knew something would happen. It was pretty weird when I look at it, my bday falls on then 1st, its 2011 and I started shooting on the 11 and for some reason something is telling me to release my film on the 11th of whichever month I decide to. Not sure what to make of it, but I guess I will go with the flow.
PS: I do believe some numbers are lucky for you so i am inclined to release the film on 11/11/11 of this year.
What do you guys think?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by DonnaLynn

honestly not sure why i would be training myself i think it just kinda happens if we like it or not. Plus with being born on 11-22 i always tend to notice number paterns but am horrid at math lol go figure
edit on 12-5-2011 by violentz313 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2011 by violentz313 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2011 by violentz313 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Sauron

Honestly not much to say about myself. Im sure im just like most on this site love a good old fashioned conspiracy and not at all happy with Main Stream media because of so many important thing they choose to blindly ignore so i come to ats to read everything from the too good to be true and the too scary for msm.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:41 PM
For me the 11:11 phenomenon began in 1990 there about, and I was not involved in anything such as conspiracies or such (maybe bigfoot!), but certainly not what I have absorbed today and especially not information like we receive through ATS.

I remember saying to myself it is a "hello", from Great Spirit, that it is a reminder that we are not alone and that there is more to this World of ours. Of course now I see it entirely different and realize it is a code that is calling out to us so that we engage our ability to manifest in this reality; call it a wake-up call or a call of reassurance, either way it is more than your subconscious, at least I do believe.

I have clocks throughout the house and I have had numerous times where the electric was cut off and having to reset all the clocks. I can never get all the clocks the same and yet it doesn't seem to matter in relationship to the expression of Mastery Numbers. I have even walked past my landlords house after a power failure this Spring and noticed his clock was flashing 8:11, so it ran for 8 hours and 11 minutes before I walked up to reset it. (I take care of his house while he lives elsewhere)

The number itself means "Messages and Illumination", the "Light", "fire", and it also means "center stage". So in essence it encompasses all of that within; it is a personal thing so perhaps we are being chosen to respond.
I have always responded by speaking the number out loud even when I am alone!

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by violentz313

I see this sequence on things other than the clock which throws out the conditioning theory. Same goes for the number 444. It HAS to be something else.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:45 PM
NIce! I have thought this myself and I totally agree. I think we could operate soully off our body clock if we trained and trusted ourselves to...

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:47 PM
I used to have highly violent and terrifying dreams surrounding 11:11. They used to range from being back in ancient times building pyramids and megaliths and being attacked with nukes. As well as very vivid tidal wave and doomsday dreams.

I actually got 11:11 tattooed on my wrist about 10 years ago, I've had a feeling since I was really young that it meant something.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:46 AM
I think i agree with the theory of: how many times do you look at the clock a day versus how many times a weird number sticks in your head.

I don't feel that it's ominous or an omen, but i am open to the idea that it could be if you noticed a number popping up everywhere, more than just a clock.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 06:33 PM
Nope. I don't agree that It's about our internal clock or our Reticlar Activation System or Law of Attraction or auto-suggestion.

Although I agree you can program yourself to wake up in anytime you want.

I started seeing only 11:11. Then 22:22. Then 1:11, 2:22, 5:55, 4:55. And thesee days any number in the hours and 33 minutes like 5:33.

I didn't train my mind to look for it. I'm not that interested in seeking it. But something happens and voi la, I see those numbers in the clocks.

Most sites are just copy/paste and the books on 11:11 are bollocks.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:29 PM
It shows in more than just time. I have sometimes had a chuckle at the supermarket when this happens

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:52 PM
It hapens to me all the time with this number. I was born one day 11th of november lived long time in the elevent flor and saw this number almost everywhere. But today I see in it more somekind of master number.

A example for this are the eleven Demigods and the eleven Rudras from the Vedas.

"Shiva the Lord over Tamas ( ignorance) and destruction. He is one of the Rudras and is the spiritual master of this material universe, as told be the vedas"
edit on 20/02/2009 by Karmayogi11 because:

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