posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:29 AM
Ok, this is getting bad. Now we are getting elitist government, even though populism party True Finns was the only winner in elections, other parties
lost places. Now we are getting government that includes: National Coalition Party, Social Democratic Party of Finland, Green League, Swedish People's
Party of Finland and Christian Democrats.
National Coalition Party is largest party, even though they lost places. They are simply elitists, and their leader, Jyrki Katainen, has spoken about
New World Order. He has been in Bildenberg meetings and is freemason. He is very Pro-EU also.
Then next is Social Democratic Party, even though it sounds good, they are just simply communists. They are not working for benefit of poor people.
Green League is responsible of today's immigration problems, they just take too many immigrants, even though we have huge unemployment. Swedish
People's Party, well they are trying to keep us as bilingual country, but we are not anymore under rule of Sweden, if we have to learn their language,
they should learn our language.
And finally, Christian Democrats, I think that religion should be separated from government. They are against gay people and are really
So it would be miracle if you don't see any protests here, some people are really annoyed, some call this end of democracy.
Five-party coalition
proposed to lead Finlandedit on 12-5-2011 by Thebel because: (no reason given)