Please tell me, that everyone posting about Osama KNEW him....saw him....met him? If not, how do you KNOW Bin Laden even existed? How do you KNOW,
that the person they are flashing in front of us, IS Osama? Oh wait, iiiiiiiiiii get it....I'm supposed to take the government's word for it!
But, uuuuuuuuh, doesnt that make me a little naive and gullible? Or should i just BELIEVE everything 'they' tell us? Come on
people....for goodness sake....THINK!
1st....they want us to of the most complex operations...EVER...was orchestrated by some guy...that lived in a cave in the mountains?
2nd...they want us to believe fire melts steel?
3rd...they want us to believe....they found the passport of one of the hijackers...yet there is no debris from a big-azz plane; no office furniture,
vending machines, computers/printers/scanners/copy machines?
4th...they want us to believe that 2 planes were able to take down 3 buildings?
5th...they want us to believe the thermite theory....the multiple explosions theory?
6th...they want us to believe the towers 'collapsed'..when in reality...they turned to dust?
7th....let me just stop at 6th...because i could go on, and on, and on about the nine-11 LIE!
Really, i just dont get it? People talk about Bin they believe he is, what 'they' said he is. Sorry, but i'm not buying 1 ounce, of
their crap! If 1 part is a lie....IT'S ALL A LIE!!! Now, if you can try to go along with the charade...but i'm not playing that game.
After YEARS of researching the 9-eleven LIE...i'm gonna stick to the one theory that makes all the sense in the world.....DIRECTED ENERGY! Research
it here:
Dr Judy Wood
Let's stop playing this stupid game of "Guess Who's Bin Laden" and let's start exposing the REAL DEAL; and quit feeding their propaganda machine!