posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 04:08 PM
You claim Ellens AFB is real. I went to the web site you posted and it deals with flight simulation programs. The program for Ellens AFB has not
been released but they give an address of this base in Kent,Tx.. I researched this location and found that it does have an airport called, Ranch Del
Cielo Airport which is not opened to the general aviation. I find this strange but not unusual if it is privately owned, which it is.
What did interest me was the length of the primary runway, it has two. The length of the primary is 6300 feet. That puts it over a mile which I
believe would be enough to land the Aura. The runway is composed of asphalt and it may not be strong enough to carry the weight of this aircraft.
Please remember the military is not in the habit of broadcasting secret facilities. The only way to confirm the existence of a military base in the
Kent area is by satellite or human survelliance. If I lived in Texas I would certainly check out this location.