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Does the WH support of illegal immigration constitute treason?

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:07 AM
It has been argued from many points of view that illegal immigrants either pose a danger to America or are the bastion of strength for America as we are a multi-cultural country.

My thought is that they pose a danger. Now, please, don’t get me wrong. I am all for legal immigration. People who immigrate honestly here are more likely not a threat, and will enhance this great country we live in. I understand that not all Illegal immigrants are terrorists, drug/human traffickers or gang bangers, but too often nowadays, that is exactly what they are.

It is said that we cannot afford to deport 11 million people back to their homelands. Really? We seem to be able to afford transporting Soldiers throughout the world on year long rotations just fine.

I know that it is wishful thinking, but bring our troops home and use them to secure our borders. Yep, possibly a violation of the Posse Comititus, but there are always loopholes in laws.

Try traveling the world as a illegal immigrant and see what happens when you are caught. Nothing nice, I promise you. We are actually a very nice (for lack of a better word) country when we do detain them. Food, medical, lawyers at no cost and shelter.

President Obama mocks people who support legal immigration by saying they wants moats with alligators in them. Give me a break Mr. President! Grow up and look at how you are dividing this country with emotional issues, rather than unifying it with rational thought. I think that has been in his playbook all along though.

We need to enforce existing laws, not make up new ones as our emotions dictate.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:19 AM
i say we move all the fema camps near the southernborder and just lock em up as the enter the country and just let em starve. i bet before long the illegals would stop coming over once they heard what was waiting for them. no need for a moat with aligators lol, obama just needs step down and let a real american run the country.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by unbanable123

We also need to look to our northern borders as well. It is easier to sneak through a forest, than through a desert.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by unbanable123

Of course he condones illegal immigration, he's an illegal immigrant lol!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:28 AM
Yes it is treason here's why:

The only ENTITIES (notice I am not using the term people here) that PROFIT from illegal immigration are corporations and government agencies!

This means our president (lowercase on purpose) is supporting artificial interests over the WELL BEING of ACTUAL CITIZENS.

Bottom line! That's all that needs said

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Does the WH support of illegal immigration constitute treason?

Of course not, the illegals are Democrats and deserve their right to vote for one!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

and yes you mentioned a KEY POINT!

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is by it's VERY NATURE .... (drum roll) .... ILLEGAL

As the president he cannot PICK AND CHOOSE which laws he wants to see enforced!!!
If he really has that much of a PROBLEM with the way the laws are now he has a DUTY to go about effecting a change in a LEGAL MANNER just like anyone else who sees a law they DON"T LIKE.

If the president has no respect for the law why are we surprised when no one else does?

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Obama does not support illegal immigration.
Mocking does not constitute treason.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:46 AM
I think its pretty safe to say that every president in recent memory has supported illegal immigration by default.

After all we have immigration laws on the books that DO NOT GET ENFORCED....

the fact that the ONLY beneficiaries of illegal immigration are corporations... As much as I have sympathy for those in other nations that want to get out of their situation... I feel like I have the RIGHT to expect MY government to take care of it's CITIZENS first! Otherwise what exactly is the reason we pay taxes and agree to follow the laws the government sets?

Government requires consent of the governed, and those in government now need to remember this! We have a right to EXPECT of our government that they will follow our wishes for one and for two will not take our tax money and use it in ways that actually does us HARM financially or otherwise!!!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by unbanable123
i say we move all the fema camps near the southernborder and just lock em up as the enter the country and just let em starve.

Better still ...... just put a fence around Washington D.C., cut their communications and put a permanent CAP overhead to prevent air traffic. Once the traitors are corralled, cleaning out the country will be an easy task.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Obama does not support illegal immigration.
Mocking does not constitute treason.

Obama is an "illegal" according to the Constitution because his father was not an American citizen. Everything that comes after that is moot.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Only insofar as corporate collusion for the continuance of illegal immigration constitutes contemporary slavery. Let's call a spade a spade, as they say. The reason illegal immigration continues is the same reason meat packing plants have illegals working for them. It's the same reason the entire Agribusiness corporation giants like ADM and others use them to work for just what would sustain them. Just their room and board, basically.

There is no desire to assimilate them. They can be deported when they get rowdy. In 19th century US, try "deporting" a bunch of rowdy slaves. Back then you would kill them. Nowadays, that is not so easy, and as a result, we modify their status.

Think about it: Back before emancipation, the "master" had to provide for the slaves, constructing housing units and providing food - even if it was meager and had to be nutritionally enhanced and stretched by the slaves themselves to provide for all. Nowadays, the "masters" have outsourced the food production and boarding to the "slaves" in the form of a pittance of a taxes required.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Sphota
reply to post by TDawgRex

Only insofar as corporate collusion for the continuance of illegal immigration constitutes contemporary slavery. Let's call a spade a spade, as they say. The reason illegal immigration continues is the same reason meat packing plants have illegals working for them. It's the same reason the entire Agribusiness corporation giants like ADM and others use them to work for just what would sustain them. Just their room and board, basically.

There is no desire to assimilate them. They can be deported when they get rowdy. In 19th century US, try "deporting" a bunch of rowdy slaves. Back then you would kill them. Nowadays, that is not so easy, and as a result, we modify their status.

Think about it: Back before emancipation, the "master" had to provide for the slaves, constructing housing units and providing food - even if it was meager and had to be nutritionally enhanced and stretched by the slaves themselves to provide for all. Nowadays, the "masters" have outsourced the food production and boarding to the "slaves" in the form of a pittance of a taxes required.

Awww, if it is so bad for the criminals maybe they should of stayed on their side of the border? P.S most illegals don't work in Agriculture.

They need to apply the law's and civil asset seizures they use with illegal narcotics on illegal immigrants. If a person employs an illegal seize the place of business. If a person rents or sells a home to an illegal, seize the residence. After a month no one will dare employ or house them.

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