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Tear gas fired at Athens rally as Greece grinds to halt

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Riot police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse protesters in central Athens on Wednesday as a general strike called by Greece's main unions in protest at government austerity measures went into effect.

Pay attention this has already started here and the austerity measures will only get worst.

The fighting divided the 10,000 strong march, which was otherwise peaceful, into two. At one stage, choking clouds of chemicals fired by police sent demonstrators and tourists scurrying for cover past shops and banks that had their fronts shuttered in anticipation of trouble. Thousands, many chanting “Finance Minister, leave the planet,” took part in the demonstration called by the two main labor unions. Previous protests have also been marred by violence, and three clerks died last May when their bank was torched by rioters. Earlier, about 10,000 members of the Communist-led PAME union held a separate, peaceful protest, with banners reading “We reject and condemn the new measures. We’re intensifying the fight.” “Every day that passes, (the government) takes back what the working class has won through blood and struggles all these years,” retiree John Pavlidis said.

I see the Euro has the greatest fraud since the FED. I hope they can throw off TPTB and start fresh. Fact is we should all be giving them the Icelandic toss. So what you guys think just a bunch of crazy Greeks? And do you see some of the measures they've taken here already and that worst is yet to come?

edit on 11-5-2011 by UcDat because: title

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by UcDat

wow what would happen if Everyone,, Everywhere. just took a week off ---- all over the world..

i think people would starve..society would crumble....into Chaos...


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