posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:58 AM
I didn't get a chance to watch the video, but I'll give my opinion on the topic, even if it might be outspoken, lol.
If I were a parent, I wouldn't want this happening. Firstly there's the already mentioned reason of hygiene, which I think is really a no-brainer,
but that is only one part of it. I really wouldn't want a child of mine to play with a dead animal because I would like to teach that death is
something to be respected and mourned, rather than something that arouses curiosity or is for our entertainment. I accept that people may say I'm too
idealistic, and not a realist, but I think that even if death surrounds us every day, it should not lessen its poignancy, and that showing sensitivity
towards the life of all creatures is a good thing
Even if we couldn't take the easy way out of consumerism, and we needed to hunt and prepare our own food, I would like my children to see the death
of another creature as a gift of nature, a sacrifice to be thankful for, and not something to be taken lightly.