posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 02:00 PM
Hello all:
Just joined up, and I'm happy to be here. I'm hoping somewhere down the road, to be a part of some good debates, and subjects in the forum.
I'm from North Carolina, USA, and proud to be from this country, even though I don't believe an everything that the government does.
I joined up, because for years I've been hearing about different things, (Aurora, the Philidelphia Project, UFO coverups, etc), and figuring that if
it wan't directly involving me or my family, why be a part of it. I guess everybody gets to a certain point in their life, where they want to find
out, or just develop the need to find out, either the truth, or some bit of info that will lead them eventually to the truth. This just seems to be
a good place to start. In all honesty, I think I just got tired of being blissfully ignorant, and want to be able to share opinions and viewpoints
that may or may not be beneficial to others.
Thanks for having me here.