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What is enlightenment?

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posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 06:28 PM
Hi Arkaleus,

The spiritual information continued is RIGHT ON, I have been looking for this information for a LONG TIME. I am 29. I've read the gnostic gospels, and the information contained in them is very hard to understand. I believe your organization has correctly described the mysteries contained in them.

I'm glad that the spiritual information is helpful to you.

I have found that whenever someone goes to the site and finds an immediate affinity with the spiritual awareness, it usually means that they knew much of this before. In other words Ark, you knew much of this in the Spirit before you entered your current body. What you are now doing is relearning that which you have forgotton!

Now THAT'S something to meditate on.

More importantly...start doing the Radiance daily!

A question: Why are your archangels women?

That is an excellent question.

They are not women but they do project a feminine persona. However, it should be noted that they have all had one or more lifetimes as males. It is simply their choice to emphasize their feminine sides at this time.

As I write this, they tell me that the main reason is because they find it easier to channel through me and pursue intimate relations if they use their feminine aspect, as I am male this time around.

Another question: Who was Jesus and what was his mysterious work?

The Society Of Light espouses that Jesus was part of a large Group Entity in the Mid Realms that consisted of millions of basically spiritual people or angels. The reason why he incarnated, as that Group Entity and he saw it, was to fulfill Old Testament messianic prophecy. (BTW, the word, "Christ," actually means "messiah.") The upshot: Jesus was an angel prophet.

On a related issue, we believe that The Original Creator has yet to come.

I have experienced most of the things described in that website. Demonic attacks by the lower incorporeal forces, and by those humans who interact with them on the earth. I was attacked just two years agok, after I opened my crown while sitting with a little child at a mormon church. It was an amazing event, the entire room was filled with blazing white light. However, I had NO UNDERSTANDING of what had just occured, only that it felt great and my mind's power was growing intensely strong.

Apparently, though, it attracted the attention of every foul creature around me, and I have been battling them ever since. I lost must because I was caught by suprise, and they did much damage to me.

Any words on this?

Discarnate demonic attacks from common spirits occurs all the time.

A number of years ago, the well-known television psychic Sylvia Browne, said that only thirty percent on the Other Side are devoted to The Light (i.e., are on a spiritual path).

Recently, The Society Of Light gave us their own estimate on that: only eighteen percent of those on the Other Side are devoted to The Light.

That gives one an indication of how bananas it is up there and why there are so many discarnate demonic attacks on innocents in the flesh.

When a Group Entity or individual spirits abuse someone, they lessen their ability to unite with The Light as they fall into darkness away from it. This downward spiral usually continues on until they completely unite with darkness. The soul being a form of energy, when they completely unite with darkness away from The Light, they no longer exist. The traditional Christian metaphysical phrasing for this is "losing one's soul."

TSOL says that millions of people on the Other Side fall into oblivion on a daily basis. The reason why there seems to be an unending number of demonic spirits is because of the large number of recently transitioned souls who form new demonic Group Entities on a daily basis -- who in turn usually wind up pursuing a path of deception, manipulation and evil and who eventually fall into oblivion as well.

In these "end times" (which will result in new beginnings) the struggle between those who are allied with The Light and service to others (STO) focus versus those who are allied with a service to self (STS) focus away from The Light, intensifies. That is why things are so nuts right now in the flesh and in the Spirit. Very few are surviving themselves.

The Society Of Light also espouses that one or more of the new Masters, after they leave the flesh and unite with The Light, will bring/invite The Original Creator into this timeframe. This event is vehemently opposed by literally billions of people on the Other Side. With His emergence, all the worlds' traditional religions will end. Those that power those religions in the Spirit don't want that to happen, to say the least. Despite various battles being won by them in delaying His emergence, they are all slowly losing the war.

The First Coming will eventually happen regardless.

[Edited on 24-8-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 04:42 PM
I have been looking for people like you for a long time.

I am very pleasd with your words, they all ring true to me, and they follow what I have experiencd and obsereved in my own experience.

It has been TERRIFYING coming through my own troubles with these forces, because I was intentionally misled and manipulated by everyone around me ever since I became aware. I won't go into the details, but I have desperately sought after others that I KNEW had to exist, because I could not accept that I was the only one opposing these evil forces, and I knew I wasn't the ONLY object of their aggression.

I always suspected that there was a larger picture to the whole, because I could perceive that the group entities that had attacked me were striving very hard to conceal from me their intentions, were worried about my rapid learning (or recollection).

It has come to me in a period of about 5 years, beginning at 24, when I first received a light power and a expanded awareness. After that, it's been quite an adventure.

I am dying to share these things with others, finally able to make sense of them, and to join with the correct groups of people for the first time! Isolation is a terrible condition for people like us, because we are outnumbered and child-like in our natures, and our enemies are merciless to us.

You are right about things on the verge here, and I think I have some insight into that process. Jesus hinted at it, saying that in the end of this era His Spirit would be poured out on the whole world. This might allude to the changes you mentioned.

I once read in the wise books of India that whenever a great being or buddha appears on the earth, there also arrive attendants in the form of the other children born around the same time as he. I think this same thing holds true, and that it is a very large and important being who is arriving, because the "attendents" are unlike anything we've ever seen before in our history. This is perhaps the Indigo children phenomenon.

So what is this "First Coming" you speak of? I understand that you say first as oppposed to "second", which is the Christian's word for it. I understand also that you consider Jesus to be a lessor power as compared to the Original Creator. This thought intrigues me, but I think there is more to the story, and to the nature of Jesus.

Personally, I think that people who share our awareness and intentions should gather together physically, and remove ourselves from our societies as much as possible. It certainly is perferable to sitting among our enemies. I think many people would love a way out of the misery of this time, which is only increased by the design of the system, which is the design of these subangels, and it serves only their nefarious intentions.

Whatcha think?


posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
...Personally, I think that people who share our awareness and intentions should gather together physically, and remove ourselves from our societies as much as possible...

Caveat emptor...

Please remember Heavens Gate and the Branch Davidians.

Peace to you...

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
Personally, I think that people who share our awareness and intentions should gather together physically, and remove ourselves from our societies as much as possible. It certainly is perferable to sitting among our enemies. I think many people would love a way out of the misery of this time, which is only increased by the design of the system, which is the design of these subangels, and it serves only their nefarious intentions.

Whatcha think?

Arkaleus Genya I would hold some concerns about that. Why? Because 'enlightenment' to me isn't solely a personal thing, purely concerning our own personal enlightenment...rather, I would argue that one of the core 'purposes' *if you will* of any enlightenment is to share that 'aid' the enlighten others through your words and utilise any enlightenment you may have not just for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others.

If we remove ourselves from our societies, then I think we can also run the danger of becoming very narcissistic in our thinking. We become more focussed upon what we may hold as truth...which can lead to us electing to cease our own journeys of discovery and thus increased development of any 'enlightenment'. If we surround ourselves only with those who hold our 'turths' then again there is the danger of simply becoming 'stagnant' in our journey...for we tend not to be faced with challenges to our 'truth'.

Are challenges a bad thing? I think not. As a saying goes: "The hottest fires temper the strongest steel"...meaning that if we put our beliefs and truths up to be scrutinized and/or challenged by others, then that can serve to either cause us to analyse what we hold more deeply...or to discard that which does not hold up to deeper examination. To remove ourselves from others may remove ourselves from being swayed or 'corrupted' by others...but it can also have the off-shoot of reducing the opportunities for learning and development that come from interacting with others who otherwise may not hold our truth. And besides...just like enlightenment...corruption of ourselves is something that is ALSO a personal conscious it may be argued that any failing there is not due to any threat/influence of others, but rather due to our own doing.


posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 10:12 PM
Hi Arkaleus,

Alas, I was compelled (or was it guided?) to forego some sleep and pop into the forum -- and found a plethora of U2U's to respond to.

It is not at all easy to follow a spiritual path. But by doing so in the flesh, we grow much faster than we do in the Spirit.

Whenever the old religions become stale and the members within it become largely corrupt -- as is occuring now, evidence by the widespread pedophilia phenomenon -- it paves the way for new paradigms and ultimately new religious and spiritual foundations.

That is partly what is meant by the "end times."

One of the good things about spiritual people being spread out is that it is harder to isolate them and silence them. Which is not to say that a base of operations or a spiritual retreat is not a good idea, only that by not having a base, it can actually be safer for all involved.

Solist Mysticism teaches that after The Big Bang was manifested, The Original Creator divided Himself up totally and irreversibly into trillions of basically spiritual souls or angels. He knew that someday, eons from that timeframe, a relatively small number of those angels would eventually evolve into embracing the beginning levels of God Realization -- and, when they are in The Light, seek Him out through astral time travel. This was His vision and strategy from the very beginning.

When He comes after the Ascension of one or more of the new Masters, He will have more healing ability than anyone has ever had on this or any other humanoid world. TSOL says that he will be able to heal MILLIONS of people a day of terminal illness/ailment. The Group Entities that power the archaic religions will be exposed to be false gods and all the world's traditional religions will end completely.

That is why His emergence is far more important than that of any saint, prophet or "god" in history.

[Edited on 25-8-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 10:28 PM
Being wise is knowing other men. Enlightment is knowing one's self.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 08:40 PM
The words you have spoken of the original creator again are ringing in my ears. An enlightened analysis of intelligence at the God-Creator level would reveal this.

To put my own mind with the Original Father is too see this, Out of many seeds, there are few able to grow into what I was orignally after, this being the same pattern of life on the earth. The choicest fruit I like, of course, is the emergence of Gods from my work, who arrived at Godhood by their own free will, and their own intelligence! Thus we have the sacred revelation of the increase of God from the monad to the glorious assembly.

This would delight God more than any kind of religion, book, or prayer.

I guess this is a critical point in my own awareness, that I should come to know the initention of God and the origin of Intelligence.

My next step is to bring the awareness I have gained to the fullest of its fruition - On the earth.

Concerning my words on gathering ourselves up: I see this has struck a chord with many of you. One of you reminded me of the Branch dividians and the Heaven's Gate folks. Remember, each of these groups was a charismatic following of a self-proclaimed leadership. Because of this, they fell into error, and destroyed themselves when the error became greater than they could handle. There won't be any such nonsense among us. We would be a group of people who were already perfect, or in the work of perfecting themselves. Other kinds of folks just aren't going to live with us. It won't be a home for strays, as such bring in a vile element. I know that many people like us are quite beautiful. That brings in the question of sexual relationships among us. I don't see a way to avoid it, so I say let each person decide for himself the path of his own perfection, and those best able to attain it will reach it. Otherwise, I think sex in our community should be kept discreet and as simple as possible. I would love to hear your thoughts on this, because it is such a destructive force to let loose in a small community. I am still young and healthy, so lust is a constant threat to my development. Richard words on the origin of lust are entirely accurate, and that's one of the things I am trying to get AWAY from.

If you want to channel Zetans in your own house, or write manifestos, so be it, but that is not the foundation of our community. Ideally, we would attract many great souls and wise minds, who would use our peaceful place as a forum, or as a vantage point from which to write books about enlightened causes, and perhaps publish truth among the millions of other Americans seeking it.

My idea is founded on the concept of equals and a nation, it is not a collection of vagrant minds who do not yet know the mysteries, but for those who have already found them, or have been lead to the beginning America has no place for us to gather, YET. Those of us trying to attain God-Level minds have the cards stacked against us because we are woefully outnumbered by those who oppose anyone trying to do this. I believe that our true brothers are beings already chosen, and no leopard is able to change his spots. Therefore those who join our community will share common traits, spirits, and will naturally form unions because of the natural order of sprits and their origin.

I am comvinced that it is nearly the proper time to do this, and many of you will share this thought if I am correct. There cannot be any kind of "leader" among us, for we are fellow spirits, and not subordiantes of one another. That is the way of lessor orders, and their way is finite. Let him who is able, do.

Reasonably, if the excellent growth I have undergone just by reading a few words from an honest spirit like Richard is achieved by a remote conversation, how much more could be accomplished if we were able to have our own refuge physically? Our thoughts and daily affairs could be channeled away from the negative and detracting influence of our opposition, who are able to trouble us because we are forced to live among them in close proximity.

Just think of how much nicer it is to sleep among friends, than to bear the constant threat of your enemy's obsessive spying upon you. I for one would sacrifice everything I owned to live among such a people.

It is not justified to compare what I wish to accomplish with the famous recluses and cults of the past. We are not a religion, we are individualist truthseekers, who combine as we need for our strength and our security, a true fraternity of spirit. We aren't issue-driven or activists for any cause, so we pose no threat to our neighbors or the civil authorities. We aren't gun-nuts, political extremists, in fact we would necessarily enshrine Reason as our most sacred societal grace.

TIME HAS COME for this to be in America. The mormons tried it with only a little success in Utah, but they were soon overrun by the same world they were trying to segregate themselves from, and now their people are trapped by their wealth and worldy attachments.

Think of how much fun it would be to have a community of our own. No foul people, no corrupted souls able to disturb our thinking, a place where our light could grow unhindered as possible, and our people can congregate with their own kind.

Without a hierarchy or prophet to claim ultimate authority, we would attract many gnostic thinkers, many enlightened mormons, and whoever else is spiritually attracted to a people that has purified their lives and bodies and follow a path of purity and learning. What better joy could come to any man, than to sit with a band of brothers, and to relate his words without fear or threat of retaliation from the opposition.

We could form our own businesses and industries like some of the other groups, since most of us are really smart people in the first place. I don't mean to make a commune, or a cult of personality, since by definition we would be fully formed individuals, and could not bear a collective mentality in anything.

A little rice and a some home grown veggies are better than the meat of the city, and a little clean water is better than the bottomless soda of the city, and a game of dodge ball or a nighttime hide and seek or story telling and stargazing is better than all the entertainments of the city.

What about children? I don't have any, so I don't have 1/4 of the concerns of a family. I don't think too many family types in America are after the same spiritual paths as we are anyway, so I don't think this will be much of a problem.

So that's the secret, I guess, how to make a place for us in America? How to detach from the system without living in caves? How to form a community of fiercely non-conformist people, who loathe false authority and structured heirarchies? I think it possible. I think it would bring out the best in our beings, and make the most use of our physically lives while we are on this world.

I guess there would be a little give and take, and with numbers come the dynamics of the group and the psychology of the community, some would leave, some would not be fully detached from the world, some would do wrong and offend us.

Some of the adventure is that we Americans have lost all knowledge of this kind of living arrangement. We have lived within the urban system so long, we have no idea how to congregate outside of it. But I think it is useful for us to do so. There is no advantage for our kind to remain buried in the urban environments we depend upon, none at all. But I can see many advantages to forming our own community. Many.



posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:19 PM
Hi Arkaleus,

You stated:

The words you have spoken of The Original Creator again are ringing in my ears. An enlightened analysis of intelligence at the God-Creator level would reveal this.

All of us are "fractals of light" of The Original Creator. It was all a matter of time before people in the Higher Realms were able to "decode" the fractal matrix and discover His initial intentions before His division or "Fall."

To put my own mind with the Original Father is too see this. Out of many seeds there are few able to grow into what I was originally after, this being the same pattern of life on the earth. The choicest fruit I like, of course, is the emergence of Gods from my work, who arrived at Godhood by their own free will, and their own intelligence! Thus we have the sacred revelation of the increase of God from the monad to the glorious assembly.

That is beautifully stated.

We would be a group of people who were already perfect, or in the work of perfecting themselves.

The concept of "perfection" being absolute implies stagnation and limitation. Perhaps we could revise that sentence to say the following:

We would be a group of people who have learned to embrace a high degree of spiritual excellence.

Ideally, we would attract many great souls and wise minds, who would use our peaceful place as a forum, or as a vantage point from which to write books about enlightened causes, and perhaps publish truth among the millions of other Americans seeking it.

It is apparent that you hold in your heart a brilliant light and also a fire or passion to start a spiritual community in the physical sense.

Without a hierarchy or prophet to claim ultimate authority, we would attract many Gnostic thinkers, many enlightened Mormons, and whoever else is spiritually attracted to a people that has purified their lives and bodies and follow a path of purity and learning. What better joy could come to any man, than to sit with a band of brothers, and to relate his words without fear or threat of retaliation from the opposition.

...I can see many advantages to forming our own community.

It would be difficult to organize and get the financial backing to accomplish this, but if anyone has the drive to do it, it would be you.

Keep Up The Daily Radiance!

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:28 PM

[Edited on 12-9-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 12:26 PM
Lotsa stuff in there.

There's a lot to know, and a lot of danger to be exposed to. I'm not too big on sexual mysteries. Show me someone who indulges in sexual mysteries with women and I will see someone who isn't after what I am.

I never quite got that stuff. I guess there's a place for those who do, and another for those who do not, I am heading towards the place of those who do not.

I follow the path of our original natures, those we were born with. I have discovered that every urge that we have been given has come from ouside of ourselves. Eliminate those, and purify yourself, and you will find yourself in a blissful state of self-awareness. Then the world spins away from you, the profane dissolve into the lump they came from, and nature rejoices with you.

That is what I am after.

There is danger from outside, within there is peace.

Our bodies are temples, clean them out, and the good One enters, and establishes His peace.

I have seen little children rejoice when this occurs. I have seen wonders and signs as I have walked this path. I have removed all doubt from myself, and now I must make my body follow what my mind has set to do.

The path to immortality and spiritual perfection is the highest path to follow for men. It is the most rewarding and challenging lifestyle to follow. For those of us in America, the path is wrought with much trouble.

I often speak about things in online gaming rooms. That's where my own generation is, and where my mindset is. I see many amazing things emerge from the groups there. Most of the time they form group-entities and begin attacking me whenever I speak. Other times I will see other individuals emerge and love me. It's an interesting study on the REAL dynmaics of spirit and the forces that control them.

Gnosticism is due for a re-introduction in America. I have a little more to learn about what is already here before I speak about it, tho. I would love input on this from those of you who are more experienced with what kind of stuff is out there. I have lived a very sheltered existence thus far.

I am not in to the man-woman thing, so I tend to discount many of those mysteries as just another permutation of flesh and its abominations. Where are the pure men? Where are the worthies? I know they have to be there, we don't come to earth by ourselves. I never knew Christ to be a sodomite or a womanizer.


[Edited on 27-8-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 11:09 PM

[Edited on 12-9-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 28 2004 @ 08:28 PM
Wonder of wonders! This thread began with a question "what is enlightenment." And heaven smiled upon this question, and it unfolds in the responses. Wonder of wonders!

Those who are attaining enlightenment are speaking in this thread, and if you want to know, follow along! BTW, what happened to the original author? He hasn't seemed too interested in the fruit his excellent question has borne.


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