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that rumble noise...??

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posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:25 AM
So I just had my first experience with the rumbling noise people have been reporting. It ended about 15 minutes ago(3:18am as I type this) here in Virginia Beach VA. It sounded like a jet but it never passed, it was like one continuous monotone rumble. I've lived here my whole life so I'm more than familiar with the sounds of Oceana NAS... this was different.
1. The jets don't operate near residential areas at this time of night.
2. The noise was a constant droning, with a jet, the noise builds then fades as the plane moves closer then away... this was long and steady then abruptly cut-off.
3. Lastly, I DID go into my backward and saw what looked like lights of a plane in the sky but they were moving very slow and appeared to be fairly low. By the time I got out there they had moved out of view behind trees and once again, the noise, if it was from these lights, never had the distinct build-up then fade away. It cut off sharply like a switch.

I want to emphasize that I KNOW how the jets sound. They have been a constant part of my life since I can remember, this was definitely different. It wasn't loud enough to rattle windows and stuff like some have reported but it was loud enough that it made me go outside to try to see what was going on.

Since I didn't get any audio/video record I'll make sure to keep an ear out and try to catch it if it happens again. Weird stuff... any leads on what these rumbles might be??

Edit: Worth noting, there was no flash in the sky as the sound ended like others have reported. It jus simply stopped.
edit on 10-5-2011 by Watts because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Watts

Could it be this? Does it sound similar to you?

edit on 10-5-2011 by Lionhearte because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:35 AM
Check out the video above me and verify that it is no that first, but there have been other threads about this on ATS. I am very concerned by these sounds, as the last post I looked at there was a line of them along the New Madrid fault line.

There could be something building up under everyone's feet

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Lionhearte
reply to post by Watts

Could it be this? Does it sound similar to you?

edit on 10-5-2011 by Lionhearte because: (no reason given)

The monotone-ness is the same but the rumble I heard had a more "round" bass-y sound to it if that makes sense, the noise in the video is sharper and more grating. Also, we don't do rocket launches anywhere near here, as in nowhere in the state, so I know that wasn't it.

I suppose there could have been some kind of a jet engine test? But I can't imagine them doing that at this time of night, like I've said, I grew up here and I've never heard this noise before. It was certainly new, no doubt about that. We tune the jet noise out without even thinking about it, but this noise stuck out.

Thanks for the reply

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Watts

I just noticed you said Virginia Beach, too, so I guess that would rule -that- noise out. Though, I wonder, it's the same as the others, right? That is, no earthquakes or anything reported? No severe weather, like strong wind gusts?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:43 AM
The last scheduled test of the Space Shuttle Main Engine was on July 29, 2009 and it wasn't at 3 in the morning either.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by markosity1973
Check out the video above me and verify that it is no that first, but there have been other threads about this on ATS. I am very concerned by these sounds, as the last post I looked at there was a line of them along the New Madrid fault line.

There could be something building up under everyone's feet

Yeah it kinda freaked me out, its one thing to read about others having strange experiences but its another to experience the same thing first hand. I'm definitely gonna keep an ear pricked for the next few nights to catch a recording because I want ATS opinion on it. I really hope it can be explained away...I didn't like it.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Lionhearte
reply to post by Watts

I just noticed you said Virginia Beach, too, so I guess that would rule -that- noise out. Though, I wonder, it's the same as the others, right? That is, no earthquakes or anything reported? No severe weather, like strong wind gusts?

No, we have completely clear skies where I am tonight with no noticeable wind.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Lionhearte
reply to post by Watts

Could it be this? Does it sound similar to you?

edit on 10-5-2011 by Lionhearte because: (no reason given)

Wow out of all the open deserts, they build that thing there, and tell residents to screw off.. That video deserves its own thread, not just because of that, but making rain clouds. Interesting.


posted on May, 10 2011 @ 03:04 AM
Billxam created a thread taking note of locations of reported rumbles.
He made a google map where people could add push pins...seems to be a widely heard thing
check it out:

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Watts
Billxam created a thread taking note of locations of reported rumbles.
He made a google map where people could add push pins...seems to be a widely heard thing
check it out:

Check out the map - it is the one I was talking about and then check out this USGS earthquake risk map. There seems to be a correlation over in the east......

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 11:09 PM
Welcome to the ranks of those who hear the rumble. I get it here in PA as well, and the last time I heard it I clocked it at over 6 hours! I couldn't believe how long it took since that finally put paid (IMO) to Nef's assertion that it might be the Aurora.

I still think that in some cases it could well be that, but when it lasts hours and as you said, doesn't fade in our out, but then just abruptly stops, it has to be something else.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 11:15 PM
Here in Tokyo I've been hearing a persistent low rumble.

Yesterday at around 7:20 p.m., the rumbling got louder and there was a one second tilt. I was laying back in my chair and was slung to my left. Nothing fell off the furniture and the government person I was with said that I was just being too sensitive. But my colleague said he felt the same tilt.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 05:28 AM
I don't know if the time of this events correlates with your experience, but have a look at this thread below.

There is a link to a news article on it where people have reported shaking.

Do you think it is related?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:46 AM
I saw a video that claims to have recorded the sound.

That is the sound I heard for over 30 minutes but it wasn't loud.

Most people would have mistaken it for construction work or traffic.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:53 PM
I know exactly what noise you're talking about. I live in vb @ The oceanfront about 2 miles from Oceana Air Base. I frequently hear the noise you described, usually between 3am-sunrise. Usually before the normal jets start running thru. There have even been times when I've heard it, while other jets are passing. I've lived here my entire life as well, and like you I am well aware of what the usual jet noise sounds like, having dealt with it fr so many years. And I agree.This sound is not like any other jet noise I've heard. To me it sounds like a loud, low rumble. When I pay close enough attention to it and tune everything else out as much as possible, It actually seems to take on a slow sort of "wobble", similar to the kind commonly heard with low frequency Binaural beats. Only this is much louder and the direction it is coming from is hard to detect, although it seems to be coming from above. I've yet to see anything indicating what the source is, but Like the op, I've lived here long enough to know that this IS NOT common everyday jet noise. Good to know that I'm not the only local who has been hearing it. S&F

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

The only problem with that's reported all over the world, which is the mystery. If it were only in that location, I would say yes....but it can't be an explanation for all.

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