posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:32 PM
"Oussama Ben Laden ? Oui, je le connaissais personnellement", répond Imad Lahoud alors qu’il est interrogé par l’avocat de Jean-Louis
Gergorin. Contre toute attente, le mathématicien soutient avoir rencontré trois fois Oussama Ben Laden et s’être occupé de ses réseaux de
financement, mouillant au passage l’ancien vice-Premier ministre libanais Issam Fares. Il l’accuse d’avoir été le trésorier occulte du
terroriste défunt.
On-the-fly translation :
" 'Osama Bin Laden ? Yes, I knew him personally" Imad Lahoud answers when he's interrogated by Jean-Louis Gergorin's lawyier. Unexpectedly,
the mathematician stands on saying he has thrice met Osama Bin Laden and has managed his financial networks, in so implying the former lebanese
vice-Prime Minister Issam Fares . He accuses the latter of having been the occult treasurer of
the defunct terrorist. "
French Source
Well, The Clearstream Affair is a years long case mainly opposing the current French President N. Sarkozy to the Former France's Prime Minister D. de
Villepin (right-winged as well but a Chirac'ian, so rather opposed to Sarkozy's policies within the french right side), among many others
perspectives, - be those political or economical.
Having begun as a strictly money-laundering scandal as such debunked by french journalist
Robert, the case soon became a political "gate" as Sarkozy seemed to be involved (the latter's name being written in the Clearstream "secret"
files listing peoples benefitting from the whole sheme).
So, most recently, Lahoud, key piece of it all, and furthermore brother of the former chief executive officer for MBDA, the missile branch of the
european consortium EADS, and now undergoing trial in France as well as Dominique de Villepin, just released the cited info :
Issam Fares, former Lebanon Vice-Prime Minister, was the very treasurer of Osama Bin Laden.
While still agreeing with the Osama-is-nothing-but-a-Cia-Psy-Op-Bogeyman, I thought such an information should be here shared for all to discuss it
for what it's worth...
Thoughts ?
edit on 9-5-2011 by WestWood because: Title spelling
edit on 9-5-2011 by WestWood because: Issam Fares *wiki*
edit on
9-5-2011 by WestWood because: (no reason given)
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