posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:23 PM
I have a PDF I would like to share with the world and do not know how to post or to get it out to people. I received it via email and it involves over
100 alien races, 100's of world wide underground bases (D.U.M.B.S.). There are at least 1400 of these D.U.M.B.S worldwide. 131 in the US. With 2
underground bases being built per year in the US at the moment. The average depth of the bases are four and a quarter miles underground ( some
shallower and some deeper ).that include levels and chains of commands. This PDF also goes into how it is all funded by the CIA and MI 6 through a
world drug trade. They are using this drug money to fund projects classified 'Above top secret' Aleister Crowley had performed many satanic rituals
at a cottage in Zennor (there seems to be a close connection with Satanism and the greys and reptilians). This PDF is 90 pages long and NEED HELP to
get this out PLS.