posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:03 PM
A Cleveland man was attacked by a housecat Friday afternoon and the man's injuries are so severe that he had to be taken by air ambulance to
Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston.
The altercation between the man and the animal occurred at a home on CR 3182 a few miles south of Cleveland in Liberty County. At some point
during the attack, the man and the cat reportedly were injured by a knife the man was holding. The man was taken to Cleveland Regional Medical Center
before being transported to Houston.
Game wardens Danny Diaz and Adam Broll captured the cat. It was taken to Big Thicket Animal Hospital for examination.
You know, I put this here under Gerenal Conspiracies as this particular news piece is double sided-at the least.
On the one side, I see the MSM being so dumbed down and attempting to demean real news reporting but putting crap like this piece up for publication.
Seriously. Funnier than hell and probably has many of people thinking some pretty crazy scenes of what occurred in this reported event.
Wasn't there something just a little more time deserving going on in the Cleavland area on this day? The MSM is just gonna love this one, I am sure.
Keep the peoples minds off the real problems and issues. Yuk it up!!
And on the other hand, the dam Pet/Animal Conspiracist maybe on to something. If one cat can put a man down, imagin what an organized attempt would
be like. Think about that one for a minute or two.
And, toss the Dogs into the mix. Forget about it!
And people wonder why people come to ATS for serious news/info & discussions. Thank You ATS for the platform to take on (or by-pass) the MSM &
There is another thread out today that got me in this mood. Pretty good one:
The internet is our last hope, Mainstream media has failed us
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edit on 5/9/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason
edit on 5/9/2011 by anon72 because: (no reason given)