posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:01 AM
Politicians in general stink. They'll say whatever they have to in order to get into office, and once in office they have two goals:
1) Ensure they stay in office (or move to a better one)
2) Further their personal agendas (which is often dictated by those who pay money to help with goal (1))
Corruption of those in power is part of human nature, a look through history will confirm that. That is why the founders of the United States tried
their best to limit the power of the federal government. They understood that simple fact, which has now been lost by the masses.
Politicians, like all people, want power. They have realized the simple truth that they just have to tell the people what the people want to hear on
a couple minor issues, and they will get elected. Once a politician has a taste of that power, he or she wants more, and he or she will figure out
how to get more, and the people will stand by without protest, as long as the social security check is in the mail and abortion is allowed (for
There was a time in (pre-)American history when the people realized that the rulers of the country did not have the people's best interests in mind,
and the people set out to change that, and they succeeded. Generations later, the people have become fat and lazy, and have forgotten the true
meaning of freedom. We trust the politicians to run our lives, and we have no qualms about giving up our freedom bit by bit.
Here on ATS everyone debates over the issues - abortion, gay righs, gun rights, war, the economy, etc. Each of us has our own view on these issues,
and we will vote for the guy who sees the most eye-to-eye with us. Who cares if we grant more power to the government? The politicians care about
us, right? Wrong. They care about the only person who counts: numero uno, me, myself, and I.
Go ahead, vote for Bush or Kerry. Live your life by their good graces. Stop being a citizen, and start being a subject.
Sorry for the tirade, but I am getting rather tired of the Democrat-Republican debate. People need to wake up and realize that both are poor
Time to take the government back into our hands - vote Libertarian, because YOU know how best to run your life.