posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Authenticated
You heard he dyed his beard just like I did. Where is the proof? It's all speculation by the media.
Was he vain? UBL had complexion issues or he thought he looked to old for video? I don't think his followers cared what he looked like. We aren't
talking about what an American anchorman would do. This is a man that is supposedly running an underground network of terrorists. Not Ryan
The videos they are parading around the media can't be dated to recently. Can they be dated period? If not then most of them could be 10 or more
years ago. The 5th one with a bearded man watching TV could be anyone as the camera is mostly behind him.(a little odd I think)
Every video I watched was muted. Why?
Also the last several Bin Laden messages have been on audio tape. Did it take him that long to get hair dye?
Thank you for your input I just can't shake that this is all B.S. with his death.
Ask the questions people. They hate it when we do that.
edit on 8-5-2011 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)