posted on May, 7 2011 @ 09:11 AM
I live in a part of yorkshire where there were castles, battles and legends of Robin hood. Pontefract castle is six miles away, Sandal castle ten
miles. Towton battlefield is not far away and i visit these places often due to my love of history and i love to be in a place where i know many
centuries of people have stood. To feel the warm afternoon sun on castle walls which have stood for over seven hundred years is a real thrill. To my
dismay though, i have never seen a ghost whether standing on a wars of the roses battlefield or in an empty room in a mediavel castle. My grandma
would telll me that when she was little the children at play in a small village in this historic area would see piglets jumping into haystacks and
never reappearing which i thought was a pretty obscure thing to make up. The main thing that sticks in my mind though is the story/tale of her father
being met at the same point each day on his way to work on one of the farms, by a man in chains or some kind of shackles. I know this is just hearsay
but i have heard these things accepted as fact since i was very young and i just wondered if anyone else has heard of pigs disappearing or men in
chains who could only walk to and from certain points as if somehow trapped.The man in chains would meet my great grandad on his way home from the
point he had left him at in the morning and he never spoke. I have been to these areas in the village i live in now and had no sightings myself sadly.