posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:40 PM
I know what your thinking..."no i did Not!!" But, i think you did. You see, Obama wants to draw attention from himself, or his BC, or other world
news. He states on a Sunday, the OBL news, knowing full well the next news cycle will be all about OBL. And look at here, look at the new topics, 99%
is about OBL!!!! Is there NO other news on the planet? Is there nothing else happening? Come on ATSers, we are better than that, we are supposed to
know better then to fall prey to their tactics...but as of now, we are doing their work for them...we are keeping OBL topic alive, to the deteriment
of all other news.....
I am guilty of it as well, i did not start an OBL thread, (well besides this one) but i did participate in a few...but it has to stop, we need to look
around, and see what Obama and the MSM is really trying to hide....Dont fall for this Las Vegas slight of hand any longer!!!!!