posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:52 PM
I was very skeptical of these for years untill it came to a time as i had no choice but to try them.... here is my story..
After a rough life, then owning several businesses and then the last one being swept from under my feet (government tax's cra#p) i had a break down.
Trying everything from perscriptions to herbal tablets to try to get me out of it, nothing worked. I was in depression with major panic attacs and
A friend of mine got me to see a hypnotherapist... (£60 an hour!) so dubiously i went..we had a chat, i thought it was rubbish and then she said she
was going to hypnotise me. I layed there, thinking this is pants and then the next thing i knew it was 45 minutes later and i was coming round....i
looked at my watch thinking i had only been ther 20 mins and it was nearly 2 hours later... i was shocked !
Anyway, to cut a very long story short, for £120 i got a relaxation CD and learned how to the total shock that i had actually been
I still have no idea what we spoke about but she did say that i have issues with my childhood past that i need to drop...I still find it hard to relax
and i still hate my father but, hey, life goes on...
I dont have panic attacs any more ( thankfully !) ...
Sorry for the rant, im a bit tipsy tonight...its been a bad day...