posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 01:45 AM
For me I have always been able to do this. I never knew it was anything special; ive always had complete control of my dreams.
I usually start out in a random situation, which could be anything. And from there I sometimes see in 1st person and others in 3rd. What usually
happens then is I allow the dream to continue, then If i didnt like the outcome of the story I would rewind my dream and start making it up as i went
along with some of the occurances in the first dream replaying in the 2nd but not all sometimes it would finish with a diff ending.... And i could do
this any number of times or even change the story completley as well as the setting. Also i can pretty much do whatever i feel like in the middle, for
instance sometimes i will just stop in the middle of my dream and play x-box and the start the dream back up again right where i left off. (i am
playing x-box in my dream, not in real life)
Sometimes I can even pick up where I left off in the middle of a dream when i was awoken that morning.
Either that or I will just have total control and start doing whatever i want. Most of the time I will prove to everyone I am dreaming and can do what
i want by moving my arms in circles then leap into flight. If i start to loose control of my dreams I wake up and go back to sleep and restart the
process. However not everynight does this happen, sometimes i wake up and dont remember dreaming. But i would say 90% of the time i dream and in about
75% of my dreams I have complete control.
However on rare occasions in my dream something horiffic may happen and i just think to my self there is no reason to go back becuase anyting i do
will end in the same conclusion. Either something really bad or something really amazing sends me in awe and i know i dont wanna go back.
one time though I was dreaming, and i realized i was dreaming, woke up, only to find out i was still dreaming, and no joke this went on 4 times. Until
i finally made myself step out of bed. THAT WAS VERY ODD when i finally woke up.
(My mom has narco s/P? she doesnt ever hit the deep stage of sleep, and the doctors are gonna do a sleep study on me in a few months to see if i also
may have narco, which may be one of the reason i can control them so well? My mom though cant control her dreams. Like i said though i dont even know
if i have narco, so maybe im just a lucid dreamer?)
so yeah, I guess i have lucid dreams...(if the term lucid means to have control over)