posted on May, 4 2011 @ 11:30 PM
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to mention what I stumbled upon while shuffling threw photos of the Osama bin Laden raid. I came across the picture that most of us have
seen from the raid, the one with the helicopter trail leaning up aside one of the compound walls. After cross referenceing multiple military web pages
about helicopters and examineing the picture of the raid "tail" I was astonished to find the tail design no where, some came close but still not
the tail.
I then started to search for any info about a top secret helicopter and BAM there it was multiple people stating the same. Some from people who have
more knowlege than I most certinly do. If anyone can find me a prototype design picture or something of the like plz let us know.
On a side note the Camanchee project was scrapped some years ago, could this be because they had this more efficiant and cost friendly design?