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Cigarette Smoking and Social Change

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Binder
reply to post by Amaterasu

You stole my post amaterasu!! Both of my grandfathers smoked a pipe.

Mea culpa. [smile]

Yes, tobacco alone is a blessed herb, as is cannabis, but ever seeking ways to ensure profit, hide the affects of radiation from nuclear tests, dividing to keep conquered Humans, They will spin any old yarn.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by GypsK

Hi GypsK,

How about the vomit spewed up by the non-smoker who just left the bar and his vomitus on the pavement!

and to the OP

I am 52 years old, have smoked since before I went into the army at 17 and still do, I don't drop cigarette butts anywhere! I don't drink and have never vomited on any pavement leaving my body fluids, germs, bacteria, last meal/drinks to dry up and be blown all over the place and inhaled by other people!! But you know what, I don't judge people on whether they drink or not! It's not my place! If I am in someones house who doesn't smoke, I DON"T!, and the list continues, it's not about whether one smokes or not its about consideration which goes to upbringing, maybe you are mixing with the "wrong sort" and should be a better judge of character and not base your judgements on whether a person is smoker or not! Judge not lest ye be judged!

And I have no erection problems either, so speak for yourself whoever made that comment!

I too wonder when the OP gave up smoking, there is no-one on the planet more judgemental about others smoking than a "rehabilitated smoker"!

Sounds like a jealous ex-smoker who was forced to give up smoking by someone else and is just dying for the chance to light up!!! Recognise yourself OP?

edit on 5/5/11 by wiser3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Reply to post by redmage

I smoked 2 figs while typing out my reply. Lol

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Dude, Figs will kill you - just say no to fruit.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:20 AM
ps. I am addicted to oxygen every breathe I take is killing me! Should I give that up too?
I would just die if I couldn't have my daily dose of oxygen!

How the hell do you equate cigarettes to oil?

And if you weren't trying to be judgemental about smokers why doesn't your thread title read "Addictions and Social Change" Just asking!

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

I wasn't going to reply to a thread on cigarettes but here goes.. When I see these threads pop up on occassion here at ATS, it is pretty near jumped on in unison & I am concluding that it may be safer to be a smoker? than to verbalize disdain for smoking/cigarettes as it seems almost a suicidal gester, the outrage that pours out of smokers. Period.

I do not have any close friends right now that smoke. Over the years those that do, seem to me to be ridiculously defensive of this PROVEN health risk.

As to habits, sure one ought to work toward healthy habits, but I will jump in here saying I have never understood the habit of smoking & frankly those I know that smoke over the years inevitably have so many health problems (though on a site like this or when one doesn't know them they will say differently).

It confounds me the energy people go into protecting this bad habit (PROVEN).
It IS taxiing on society, medical, 2nd hand smoke too, the interplay of nature when humans CHOOSE to ingest this type of thing when they could EASILY decide to do otherwise.

As to addiction, when I was little I sucked my thumb. My parents pulled it out of my mouth enough times I quit sucking my thumb & holding my blankey.

I'm not saying I don't have things to overcome..
but this nonsense of replies I see EVERYTIME & no matter HOW it is worded as to smoking is not good for you..
blows my mind!

smokers are friendlier.. LOL
u bet they have a lot of other SMOKING friends who sit outside for HOURS ingesting their smoke.

the doctor who said he has smoked or is 50 & smoked his whole life & his lungs are clearn?
LMAO.. really? well let me know the practice you work at because I would no more trust your opinion than the man in the moon. OH DOC, I have some lake front property off the coast of Japan I'm selling cheap (YEAH UH HUH)...

I'm not one to point fingers... but when someone wants to discuss cigarettes, just like people come here to discuss OBL, or conspiracy theories, other known discrepencies of society that we work to seek TRUTH...
& they get CRUCIFIED because of speaking up about this...
Well, to be quite honest with you, it shows me the TRUE state of this society.

My opinion on pot smoking goes above & beyond that of cigarettes.. THC screws up the brain, it doesn't fix it, that's why it's ILLEGAL.

I LOVE the reality shows.. why? because it gives a SHOCKING glimpse at how people follow others without speaking or living truth. A STRONG person will ADMIT their bad habits & work as they can to repair them...
a FOOL or WEAK PERSON will forever defend the opposite.. SURE, they have friends... but they aren't really FRIENDS because a true friend will be honest & direct, expect one to do their best & work toward a better life/style & habits.

That's my 2 cents..
I'll wait now for the fire to start & me be burned at stake. Oh well.
At least I shared my opinion.. that's what ATS is about.
I'm NOT supporting CIGS or POT or anything else that is KNOWN SCIENTIFICALLY to cause harm.

ok ready for onslaught..
i wanted to comment on one of the prior smoking threads SO BADLY but held back. this time THE MAN UPSTAIRS SAID, GO FOR IT...

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Amaterasu

I don't think your attitude or the attitude of the other pro-smokers is very helpful.

Yes, god forbid someone take away your right to blow smoke at another person, who probably doesn't wish to breathe it in, especially in a public space.

It's very telling when one poster constantly rips apart the OP in not one, but three separate posts.

Calm down people. No one's suggesting you put down your cigarettes.

However, if you don't take the time to find out just what you're putting into your body, the bodies of others (unwillingly) and the air, then that is ignorance too.

Passive smoking is a sham. Post evidence for your claims or take them back.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
reply to post by doctornamtab

I wasn't going to reply to a thread on cigarettes but here goes.. When I see these threads pop up on occassion here at ATS, it is pretty near jumped on in unison & I am concluding that it may be safer to be a smoker? than to verbalize disdain for smoking/cigarettes as it seems almost a suicidal gester, the outrage that pours out of smokers. Period.

I do not have any close friends right now that smoke. Over the years those that do, seem to me to be ridiculously defensive of this PROVEN health risk.

As to habits, sure one ought to work toward healthy habits, but I will jump in here saying I have never understood the habit of smoking & frankly those I know that smoke over the years inevitably have so many health problems (though on a site like this or when one doesn't know them they will say differently).

It confounds me the energy people go into protecting this bad habit (PROVEN).
It IS taxiing on society, medical, 2nd hand smoke too, the interplay of nature when humans CHOOSE to ingest this type of thing when they could EASILY decide to do otherwise.

As to addiction, when I was little I sucked my thumb. My parents pulled it out of my mouth enough times I quit sucking my thumb & holding my blankey.

I'm not saying I don't have things to overcome..
but this nonsense of replies I see EVERYTIME & no matter HOW it is worded as to smoking is not good for you..
blows my mind!

smokers are friendlier.. LOL
u bet they have a lot of other SMOKING friends who sit outside for HOURS ingesting their smoke.

the doctor who said he has smoked or is 50 & smoked his whole life & his lungs are clearn?
LMAO.. really? well let me know the practice you work at because I would no more trust your opinion than the man in the moon. OH DOC, I have some lake front property off the coast of Japan I'm selling cheap (YEAH UH HUH)...

I'm not one to point fingers... but when someone wants to discuss cigarettes, just like people come here to discuss OBL, or conspiracy theories, other known discrepencies of society that we work to seek TRUTH...
& they get CRUCIFIED because of speaking up about this...
Well, to be quite honest with you, it shows me the TRUE state of this society.

My opinion on pot smoking goes above & beyond that of cigarettes.. THC screws up the brain, it doesn't fix it, that's why it's ILLEGAL.

I LOVE the reality shows.. why? because it gives a SHOCKING glimpse at how people follow others without speaking or living truth. A STRONG person will ADMIT their bad habits & work as they can to repair them...
a FOOL or WEAK PERSON will forever defend the opposite.. SURE, they have friends... but they aren't really FRIENDS because a true friend will be honest & direct, expect one to do their best & work toward a better life/style & habits.

That's my 2 cents..
I'll wait now for the fire to start & me be burned at stake. Oh well.
At least I shared my opinion.. that's what ATS is about.
I'm NOT supporting CIGS or POT or anything else that is KNOWN SCIENTIFICALLY to cause harm.

ok ready for onslaught..
i wanted to comment on one of the prior smoking threads SO BADLY but held back. this time THE MAN UPSTAIRS SAID, GO FOR IT...

You will be flamed, because you're wrong, and worse still you want to take away the rights of others to ingest w/e they want. Lol at taking a swipe at pot. Have you ever read any studies, other than what the government tells you? Have you seen reports by Stanford and Harvard?

Pot and other drugs are illegal because people like yourself cannot think, and tow the line of oppressive governments. But deeper than that it's illegal because the Pharma' scum cannot turn a profit with marijuanna and they'd lose a ton of money.

It doesn't surprise me that you're working on instruction of THE MAN

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by NadaCambia

Yes, I am SUCH a fool that I don't smoke pot or cigs or get drunk or do drugs...
I am SUCH A FOOL because I exercise, eat healthy, want to live a good life & work toward eliminating bad habits.
My doc always says that to me when I see him on my yearly exams.. what a fool you are, for not smoking pot or cigs or getting drunk..
& you are even more of a fool for not hanging out with others who do the same & encourage these habits.
So does my priest.. he says the same, what an idiot I am for not smoking cigs & pot.
When I pray at night.. or in the a.m.
WHATEVER you say...
i know the replies will be such that i will also be hammered.
I do not care.
I will speak truth here & elsewhere.
I don't have to say what everyone wants me to say, I speak that which is truth.
yeah it's my reality but I'm sticking to it. thank you very much & I also am quite pleased with my doc's reports & God's Opinion of me at this moment as to my choices in life.
you choose what you want & so will I!
so be it (which is what AMEN means).

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
reply to post by doctornamtab
I am concluding that it may be safer to be a smoker?

Nah, because of folks (like yourself) who think they are better thank me because they don't smoke. If I put (PROVEN) after this, does it make it true like your lie? (I will get to that, don't worry!)

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
the outrage that pours out of smokers. Period.

Seriously? Are you folks this dense? We get mad because you are forcing your ideals onto us. So now I ask, how do you know your ideals are better than mine? (You don't) (PROVEN)

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
Over the years those that do, seem to me to be ridiculously defensive of this PROVEN health risk.

What about your car? You know it makes more smoke than ALL your smoker friends? PROVEN! So you are allowed to make WAY MORE SMOKE, and I can not make a puff of smoke? I get it, it smells bad. Why not be honest? Why not say: "I don't like the smell of smoke, so I will make sure that no one can smoke!" That is the "proven truth" behind the anti-smokers.

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
As to habits, sure one ought to work toward healthy habits...

"Because my morals agree with those, so they are okay!"

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
but I will jump in here saying I have never understood the habit of smoking & frankly those I know that smoke over the years inevitably have so many health problems (though on a site like this or when one doesn't know them they will say differently).

And here is the kicker. Because YOU don't like smoking, I am supposed to not like it?? And how many health problems will I have as a result of smoking, give me a prediction oh seer of the future! To date I have had ZERO, so when does the "many" start? My grandmother/father (BOTH sides of the family) smoke, and have had ZERO health problems (They are in thier 70's/80's, when do those "proven" health problems start?)

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
It confounds me the energy people go into protecting this bad habit (PROVEN).


You anti-smokers put all the energy into attacking me! And when we have to raise sheilds to defend, you mock us by saying this? Jesus H Christ!

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
It IS taxiing on society, medical, 2nd hand smoke too, the interplay of nature when humans CHOOSE to ingest this type of thing when they could EASILY decide to do otherwise.

Do you follow any other Nazi propeganda? Or just Passive Vrauchen? (Hitler would be proud, as Godwin is now.) You choose to drive, which AGAIN puts out WAY MORE SMOKE. So you are killing me faster than I am killing you. If we were really killing each other, of course. (We're not, or we would be in jail for attempted murder.)

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
As to addiction, when I was little I sucked my thumb. My parents pulled it out of my mouth enough times I quit sucking my thumb & holding my blankey.

YOU ARE NOT MY PARENTS, SO QUIT TRYING TO BE. Furthermore, are you fat? Just asking because I have noticed those with an oral fixation that was forcibly stopped, gain weight. Even if you are not fat, guess what!? Those fatties are hurting us far worse medically than smokers, take a look at your premiums! Stupid chunks can't put down a fork, and it is hurting others!!! Take away all forks!!!!!

(I will not "stand" when they come for you, because you handed me to them.)

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
I'm not one to point fingers...


Originally posted by 0731JLVR
but when someone wants to discuss cigarettes, just like people come here to discuss OBL, or conspiracy theories, other known discrepencies of society that we work to seek TRUTH...
& they get CRUCIFIED because of speaking up about this...

Nope, they get crucified because they think their ideals are better than anothers. And the others show them just how foolish that thought is. No one is better than another, LEAVE ME ALONE!

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
Well, to be quite honest with you, it shows me the TRUE state of this society.

Which is: Shove my morals onto others, at any cost!

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
My opinion on pot smoking goes above & beyond that of cigarettes.. THC screws up the brain, it doesn't fix it, that's why it's ILLEGAL.

Sigh, I guess I should not have responded. The ignorance in this claim is astounding... Look up Geroge Hearst + Hemp + Newspaper When you see how little you know about that, maybe you will agree you know less about smoking.

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
A STRONG person will ADMIT their bad habits & work as they can to repair them...
a FOOL or WEAK PERSON will forever defend the opposite..

Isn't that the truth! So are you ready to admit that you force your morals onto others? (Oh snap!)

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
SURE, they have friends... but they aren't really FRIENDS because a true friend will be honest & direct, expect one to do their best & work toward a better life/style & habits.

My friends, well they just expect me to be nice to them. IE not force my morals onto them. Maybe YOU don't have friends, but I have quite a few!

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
ok ready for onslaught..
i wanted to comment on one of the prior smoking threads SO BADLY but held back. this time THE MAN UPSTAIRS SAID, GO FOR IT...

If you wouldn't press your beliefs onto others, you would not have to fear entering a discussion. The problem lies with the moral pusher, not the pushee.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by adigregorio

& of course, Mr. adigregorio, that is EXACTLY what I said. I am better than you & because I don't smoke.
word for word...
see that is PRECISELY what I mean.
When someone doesn't smoke & then talks about how it is bad for the population etc etc.. & discusses positive choices, then it is an out & out war against a Smoker.
oh my i am scared.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by 0731JLVR

That is the problem, that is what you are saying with your actions. Then you speak sweet smelling lies to my face, such as "It is bad for the environment" (OPost) or your claim of "many health problems" Which I noticed you forgot to tell me when they are supposed to start. Remember my grandparents in their 80's, no health problems, when can I expect them to start?

Scared? It was not my intention to scare you, it is my intention to inform and defend. That is what I do when people start attacking my choices with lies.

Now, I will go back to being quiet. It is obvious your opinion comes from lack of information, and you do not want to learn the info. I, unlike some others 'round these parts, will not force my truth on you. Of course, assuming you stop spouting the drivvel that has been spouted already.

Also, to the poster that commented about how responses are being handled in this thread. Tell the anti's to hush-up and I will stop raining on the parade. I only say this because you seem to have some sort of "thread magic" that gives you controll of the conversation, and how it is run.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by adigregorio

& what I notice on these type of threads is a continual desire to argue. It's not about facts in regards to smoking, but a personal attack upon. Again, makes no sense.
I will no longer engage in discussion on this thread & the reason I typically do not reply to cig or pot threads.
why not bring about an all out campaign promoting smoking then, for the children, teens, your grandmother perhaps..
& what comes to my mind is, do the cigs have That much of a hold on you that you want to fight about factual information which is that cigarette smoking is harmful to health & so is second hand smoke.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by 0731JLVR


You missed my whole point. Which is:

Leave me alone, and I will leave you alone.

I don't care about the health involved with smoking, I don't care how many people die a year from smoking. All I care about is people cramming their morals down my throat. Which you have skirted, or ignored, or just plain couldn't figure out.

Lastly, notice readers how they ignore the whole car argument as well. Because it makes them hypocrites, and they realize this (Or at least I would...). I don't drive a car, I smoke instead...

Anyway, yeah, my 5 cents is, and will continue to be: Leave me, and my PERSONAL choices, alone!
edit on 5/5/2011 by adigregorio because: Changed: be, leave (to) be: Leave

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by 0731JLVR
reply to post by NadaCambia

Yes, I am SUCH a fool that I don't smoke pot or cigs or get drunk or do drugs...
I am SUCH A FOOL because I exercise, eat healthy, want to live a good life & work toward eliminating bad habits.
My doc always says that to me when I see him on my yearly exams.. what a fool you are, for not smoking pot or cigs or getting drunk..
& you are even more of a fool for not hanging out with others who do the same & encourage these habits.
So does my priest.. he says the same, what an idiot I am for not smoking cigs & pot.
When I pray at night.. or in the a.m.
WHATEVER you say...
i know the replies will be such that i will also be hammered.
I do not care.
I will speak truth here & elsewhere.
I don't have to say what everyone wants me to say, I speak that which is truth.
yeah it's my reality but I'm sticking to it. thank you very much & I also am quite pleased with my doc's reports & God's Opinion of me at this moment as to my choices in life.
you choose what you want & so will I!
so be it (which is what AMEN means).

Really? You must live in an unadvanced nation with neanderthal level doctors, that's all I can conclude. Because my Doctor cannot stop singing the praises of marijuana.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:12 PM
Nice D adigregorio!

It is perfectly clear to learned men on ATS that the 'Anti-smokers' attack and advance their claims because of their personal distaste for smoking. some of these are ex-smokers, and it may be because they think they know best, or think they are smarter. I made my Fiance quit because i was SOOO certain it was so bad for you! With no proof. I just made her do it (Which was good in the end, she turned out to be pregnant the next week).

But the other day the strangest thing happened, (like 2 weeks ago lol) I got the biggest desire to smoke, and on my weekly study raids, decided to try an understand smoking. I wanted to know everything about it! The bad and the good. The article 'Why we smoke-" ( ) Ended up breaking me down, I researched cigarettes, decided on my brand: all natural american Spirits, and lit up. It was harsh at the beginning. But the releaved stress, the something to do when waiting, the comfort, and most of all the company and people I've met who I would not have! Made it all worth while.

I still do'nt think women should smoke, for this reason here:

"Women who smoked were considered to be vulnerable to premature aging and loss of physical attractiveness; they were viewed as unsuitable to be wives and mothers in a German family. Werner Huttig of the Nazi Party's Rassenpolitisches Amt (Office of Racial Politics) said that a smoking mother's breast milk contained nicotine,[20] a claim that modern research has proven correct.[21][22][23][24] Martin Staemmler, a prominent physician during the Third Reich, opined that smoking by pregnant women resulted in a higher rate of stillbirths and miscarriages. This opinion was also supported by well-known female racial hygienist Agnes Bluhm, whose book published in 1936 expressed the same view. The Nazi leadership was concerned over this because they wanted German women to be as reproductive as possible. An article published in a German gynaecology journal in 1943 stated that women smoking three or more cigarettes per day were more likely to remain childless compared to nonsmoking women.[25]"

The fact of the matter is, and the real heart of all the arguing is that fact that certain parts of the government are using smoking as a steping stop to take peoples right to do things away. And it just so happens that a lot of people agree with them 'non-smoking-anti sm,okers' and they are waving the banner to destroy personal freedom. The banning of smoking in NY should be a hint for anyone (hate saying this) who possess a brain to see it is just a divide and conquer strategy. So anti-smokers should just shut the hell up, because they are hurting themselves. Arguing against smoking, a persons personal freedom to do whatever.. is idiotic.

I would like to conclude by saying that reading all these 'anti-smoking' threads, the lack evidence against smoking as being harmful *(I mean the tobacco and nicotine ONLY not the rest of the chemicals) has actually MADE ME INTO A SMOKER!

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:30 PM
Reply to post by badw0lf

Fail spell checker. lol. Meant cigs

I wonder if the OP knows how much human excrement we breath in daily.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:56 PM
here check this out and see how many you recognize.
tell them they haven't done any for the world. &ei=yRcFTvr3Dqbk0QGkod3XCw&ved=0CF4QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=574

i see all kinds of people that have changed the world here.
and i would think this is just a short list.
there's no telling how many people that have changed the world, that were smokers and no one knows their name because they weren't famous.
edit on 24-6-2011 by hounddoghowlie because: fix link

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by doctornamtab
My point isnt to tell people not to smoke. I dont care if you want to smoke. So please read the post before you assume I'm on some soapbox about clean lungs. I'm not.

Yes, its addicting. I"m addicted to many things as well. Its human nature. Our brains are wired for addiction.

But how can you smokers say you're ready to change the world for the better when you're unwilling to change yourself? Do most smokers even care about themselves or the world? If they did why smoke in the first place?

There's a certain irony to this very thread that perhaps you should ponder first.

I have many relatives who lived to be over 100 who smoked for some part of their lives, even a significant part of it. So there are more important things to change about or worry about in the world than whether people smoke or not.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:14 PM
I guess I am the worst thing to come along on this planet. Worse than cosmic rays, worldwide volcanism, hurricanes, atomic weapons, smallpox, plague, Fukushima and organized politics combined.

I smoke, I drink, I ride fast motorcycles at insane speeds, drive fast cars at insane speeds (both on racetracks), eat a metric ton of rare red meat weekly and will grudge bang any hottie that is in the mood. You know why I do it? Because I effing LIKE TO and the last thing I need is someone who knows how to live my own life better than me instructing me, via legislation or proselytizing, on what I can or cannot do.

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