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Cop fired for not meeting harassment quota

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posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:59 AM

An ex-Bronx cop claims she got the boot because she couldn't stop and frisk enough people to please her bosses.

NYPD officials denied that the department demands officers meet arrest and summons quotas, and countered that Hicks was canned in February because of a history of insubordination.

But Hicks' claims mirror those of cops who have come forward in the last two years to reveal the department's habit of illegally setting quotas and punishing cops who don't meet them.

Read more:

Just mindless drones pumping out widgets as fast as they can.

The notion of a quota in law enforcement is amazing. It would assume that a certain percentage of us are committing a crime at any given time. If not that at least a certain percentage of us who may or may not be committing any crime at all are in some way eligible for detainment and possible prosecution for whatever they can charge any of us with.

They just need a body to harass and to lock up. Doesnt matter if any crime has occurred. That's not the cops job. That's what a jury is for. The cop just has to harass you and lock you up.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:04 AM
Gotta make sure they get rid of the good apples in the bunch. She didn't taze enough senior citizens that month.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

now theres a honest cop! one who stands up to crime inside or out.i say no more. peace officer vs police enforcement.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

thank goodness there is at least a few compassionate officers out there that know right from wrong, and will not go against their own morals......flagged

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

The notion of a quota in law enforcement is amazing. It would assume that a certain percentage of us are committing a crime at any given time.

This is verifiable fact.

It would be my guess that close to 100% of federal politicians, judges and police are willingly or unwillingly committing crimes on a daily basis. Those numbers are due to an odd combination of willful criminal conduct* , ignorance and herd-like calibre of the people involved.

It would also be my guess that similar numbers of state and local miscreants are routinely involved in crimes.

Are you ready to reclaim your nation yet?

* banksters, pentagon, CIA, Wall Street, Bush/Clinton clan, Obama, et. al.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by davesmart

Apparently there are.

Trouble is that they keep getting booted out of the job.

Which means the only cops left are the ones who go along to get along.

So that puts a little kink in the "just a few bad apples" argument the cop defenders present.

At least as far as the NYPD is apparently concerned.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:56 AM
This really comes as no surprise to me.
I would not hesitate to believe that most government departments have secret quotas for all sorts of unsavory activities.

On a slightly related note a relative of mine quit working for the the organisation responsible for giving out unemployment benefits in Australia as they had a secret "breach quota".They were expected to cut a set amount of recipients off unemployment benefits in the given period.

Every fortnight the unemployed recipient was to hand in a form to the office with a number of positions they had applied for and the contact details of the company they applied for employment.The form would then be stamped and the benefit would be received the next day.A number of her colleagues were deliberately not stamping the forms and submitting them for payment.The recipient would then be "breached" meaning the payments were cut off, for not returning the benefits form.Then the recipient would be required to fill in the same form and re-lodge the claim, however the staff member still had that incident recorded as a breach on their quota.Sneaky, immoral, bureaucratic!

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by mumma in pyjamas

That's horrible.

And yet there are plenty of people who believe this wouldnt happen or couldnt happen in other gov run areas like social security or healthcare.

Where there is bureaucracy there are quotas good and bad.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Police department and court systems are a money making business. Thats why you always see a cop when you don't want one but never there when you need one. I don't know about every part of the country but where i live all they know how to do is harrass usually drivers. That is where most money is made. I can have a tail light out and can't get 3 blocks. I can get drunk, tear up a bar, beat up half a dozen people and never see a cop much less get arrested. That would require work and cost the city money.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by mumma in pyjamas
This really comes as no surprise to me.
I would not hesitate to believe that most government departments have secret quotas for all sorts of unsavory activities.

On a slightly related note a relative of mine quit working for the the organisation responsible for giving out unemployment benefits in Australia as they had a secret "breach quota".They were expected to cut a set amount of recipients off unemployment benefits in the given period.

Every fortnight the unemployed recipient was to hand in a form to the office with a number of positions they had applied for and the contact details of the company they applied for employment.The form would then be stamped and the benefit would be received the next day.A number of her colleagues were deliberately not stamping the forms and submitting them for payment.The recipient would then be "breached" meaning the payments were cut off, for not returning the benefits form.Then the recipient would be required to fill in the same form and re-lodge the claim, however the staff member still had that incident recorded as a breach on their quota.Sneaky, immoral, bureaucratic!

thats bloody sickening, i had to give up work to nurse my daughter through 2 heart surgeries i accepted the pitence they give us unemployed skilled men an women, i could say a lot more

example...5 yrs ago i was a hard worker standing at a desk and manufacturing upvc windows and doors, paying around 100 pounds tax and n.i, daughter becomes ill ,i give up work to lookafter her, i spent many many times in that bloody dole office tryin to get a measly few quid and if it wasnt for my daughter beaing ill i would not have seen all the foreigners there,ive seen them literally come in from a banana boat skinny as hell with 10 kids,get a big bloody lovely house and within 6 months theyr all fat bastards with attitudes...GREAT BRITAIN IS CALLING ALL FOREIGNERS, plenty of work, nhs,free english lessons, free driving lessons..oh and for a bonus if you marry a british born person we will even fly your family in from great in britain anymore this BRITANISTAN

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:58 AM

NYPD officials denied that the department demands officers meet arrest and summons quotas, and countered that Hicks was canned in February because of a history of insubordination.

Isn't that really saying the exact same thing?
"We didn't fire her for insubordination, we fired her for insubordination!"

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by PplVSNWO

Yes it is.

Just like how they try to spin the quotas by calling them "performance quotas."

As if there is anything else in that line of work that can be quantified other than stops and searches and other harassments.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by redrose123

Police department and court systems are a money making business. Thats why you always see a cop when you don't want one but never there when you need one. I don't know about every part of the country but where i live all they know how to do is harrass usually drivers.

I've have several lawsuits against police and have won them all. You would be surprised (maybe not) at the calibre of people with a badge. One thing they fear more than anything else is good solid documentation and cameras. I would encourage every individual to carry a vid/still camera. The major brands all make micro pocket models that are much better than cell phones.

Dealing with dirty judges is another can of worms that requires thought and patience.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by PplVSNWO

NYPD officials denied that the department demands officers meet arrest and summons quotas, and countered that Hicks was canned in February because of a history of insubordination.

Isn't that really saying the exact same thing?
"We didn't fire her for insubordination, we fired her for insubordination!"

Being fired for insubordination means that she was disrespectful to her superiors. It doesn't mean that she didn't meet a quota. Since she has a history of this, there will be a paper trail and her attempt at making her department look bad will back fire.

Of course this will be the only story we will hear about it and therefor her side of it will be considered correct.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Becoming

Lest we forget from the same article:

But Hicks' claims mirror those of cops who have come forward in the last two years to reveal the department's habit of illegally setting quotas and punishing cops who don't meet them.

CAptain caught in quota fixing

NYPD quotas leading to civil rights violations

Officer claims pressured to make arrests

Maybe she was genuinely insubordinate. That doesnt automatically discount her claims of a quota system.

"Our primary job is not to help anybody, our primary job is not to assist anybody, our primary job is to get those numbers and come back with them?" said Officer Polanco.

edit on 4-5-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:26 AM
Thank goodness the cop's record is a matter of public record so we can all see if there might be other circumstances that might have contributed to her dismissal. You all checked into that before sounding off like typical ignorant internet crybabies....right? You might be surprised at what you find.

I mean, who has ever heard of a crappy worker being fired then that same crappy worker claiming deny it has anything to do with work ethic or personable responsibility.

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posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by MainLineThis

And if she is genuinely a bad employee and was fired for proper reasons all of this quota stuff just goes away, right?

That's what you're saying, isnt it?

One bad employee and this just goes away:

This audio recording exclusively obtained by Eyewitness News seems to back up Officer Polanco's assertion of a quota. You can listen to one officer as he lectures his rank and file officers during roll call at the 41st precinct.

"Things are not going to get any better. It's going to get a lot worse," said a police officer.

He lays out clearly that they need to bring in the numbers.

"If you think 1 and 20 is breaking your balls, guess what you're going to be doing. You're gong to be doing a lot more, a lot more than what they're saying," said the officer.

"At the end of the night you have to come back with something. You have to write somebody, you have to arrest somebody, even if the crime is not committed, the number's there. So our choice is to come up with the number," said Officer Polanco.

Makes sense to me.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I'm not saying her allegations are false. I'm saying that she is a disgruntled employee with a bad record, she got fired for it and now is trying to say she was fired for not making quota.

If this is true then she herself should have come forward when she was first told to meet a certain number. She only had problems with it when she got fired. Is not meeting quota the reason she got fired? Probably not, seeing as how she apparently has a record of being insubordinate. You can garuntee that there is a paper trail and once we see it the truth will come out.

It is near impossible to fire a county or state employee without a good long paper trail of all wrong doing. So when a employee does something like this they can say that this is what she did wrong and that she has been doing it for a while now.

The truth will come out and I don't think she will look good when it does.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Becoming

You seem to be focused on this being some sort of wrongful termination issue.

It's not. Not at all.

The issue is that police forces, whether you believe this woman was fired wrongfully or not, are setting quotas which has them running around detaining, searching and locking people up for less than 24 hours who have done absolutely nothing wrong and are only "charged" tentatively to justify the lock up just to appease their supervisors.

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