posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 10:55 PM
This whole fb censoring and spying on people can be easily determined I think by performing a little experiment. I had something happen to me last
week that reasonably shouldn't have happened. My phone was off and in my belt case , well not off but in standby mode, you know what I mean. I was
talking with one of my co-workers about a past job situation that occurred, and I mentioned a few names of people that were involved in the situation.
I'll make up a few names to illustrate my point. One of the names I mentioned was Tony south and another name That was mentioned was John driven. And
another name that was mentioned was Neil grifter . Later that day I accidentally hit the find friends button and all the of those names were on the
find friends list. These are people that have never been on my friends lists before, I only allow family and close friends on my friends list but
after talking about these people out loud without being on fb or even being on my phone they were mysteriously added to the find friends list, this is
an experiment everyone can use to find out the depth of cyber spying. Follow the steps listed above and see if it happens to you too.