posted on May, 3 2011 @ 01:59 PM
I usually don't remember my dreams anymore because I don't sleep enough, but last night, something stood out.
I was having a dream that an old man was going to show me his home so I can throw a party with my friends, It was a big mansion-like house between the
woods and the ocean. Me and my dad visited a couple of times, and fished by the ocean side. One day, on my drive over, I start looking at the sky.
There were "stars" that were moving in radical ways, UFOs... Moving in circles, moving in zig zags, moving across the sky, disappearing, and more
appearing. The old man refused to notice and I said we should stay inside...
A few minutes later we're inside the house, I saw 3 HUGE turtles the size of mini-vans outside the window, and the old man was freaking out. He
opened the window after I told him to remain inside and hidden, and from the woods comes a raptor, green like a raptor, but with red coloring on his
head and back... The raptor came running, jumped through the window and dragged the man outside.. I waited till it was busy to run outside to my car
and run away...
By this time, I wake up...
Creeped out..
I don't usually remember my dreams...
and when I do, I'm in control for the most part...
But this one had a hint of warning... I had no control...
What do you guys think?