posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by VicDiaz89
my point is. holding happens on every play, YET it IS NOT CALLED on every play. which leaves many variables, outcomes,and human discretion into the
mix. combine that with millions of dollars...
I find that there are some who may view Entertainment as a sport, which is is NOT, the lines are blurred.
THINK along the lines of how children (at least when Im was 90 loved WCW and WWF. and noone could convince me it was fake. until I grew up, now I see
how ridiculous it was of me..
kinda like how many low IQ retards (not calling you one! not by a longshot!! but you gotta admit to seeing them tailgating sometimes) can be found at
sporting events, drunk or not. And how many highly intellectual people view NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL in the same light as adults view "pro"-wrestling.
and the ones who don't think the big 4 pro sports are fake as those kids who just haven't grown up yet, and REFUSE to accept or admit that pro
wrestling is fake.
edit on 3-5-2011 by rebeldog because: grammar