posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Hmm now whomever questions the Executive now questions the 9/11 wrapup here with Cheney and the Gang, etc.
It is not "patriotic" in the Patriot Act Light to question how Osama was brought to justice, you are talking about the 9/11 events here and ten
years of hard work. Guess they get feelings hurt of you tread on all their years of secret effort to find him and have him do suicide-by-seal I guess
huh? Yeah.
Osama is the most effective man ever to attack the US and he's got nothing more to say, just goes down like some kamikaze or something? Yeah.
Surely questioning the man who made it possible, BHO, is not what a true patriot would do, according to the Patriot Act? Yeah.