posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:17 PM
Please visit here for the BBC headline quoting Mr Obama:
BBC News
My take on this whole "event" is that we can look foward to a less terror dominated world in the future. When I read of Presidents and other leaders
words on occasions like this, like with the words spoken by Mr Bush after 9/11 I know from observational experience that this is the setting of an new
era. It is the same as saying "It's over" (for now).
To read these words I am actually feeling some relief. However, I do not believe Bin Laden's death happened thus recently; my opinion is that Benazir
Bhutto told the truth about that. I am encouraged that here in the west we are not feeling quite as threatened by Islamic extremism, now that we have
asserted ourselves.
I neither agree with the tactics and I could never condone killing (I don't condone violence ever), but the history we are seeing being made today is
a big change and one that I wholly welcome.
Politics are a web of deception full of illusion and counter-illusion (always has been so). I am just appreciating these words coming from Obama's
lips for the magnitude of what is actually being said here.