posted on Mar, 26 2003 @ 04:25 AM
The truth is that O'Reilly is a bigot, a liar, and a right-wing nut. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence and common sense can see through his veil
of lies. I watched his show, and found that all he does is pander to elitist white America.
Lysergic brought up a good point about OReilly�s anti-rap campaign.
OReilly set up a boycott against Pepsi in order to get them to drop the Rapper "Ludacris" as a spokesperson. I do not own his CDs, but I did watch
his videos on MTV, and although I don't think he has any talent, he is not as vulgar as O'Rielly states on his show and in his website.
I also found it funny that O�Rielly picked on a black man, rather then picking on Pepsi's other spokesperson, Ms. Britney Spears. I personally see
Ms. Spears as being more harmful to our youth then Ludacris. Rap is an art form that encourages freedom of speech, while Britney influences girls to
dress like tramps and flaunt themselves.
O�Rielly is a buffoon, and frankly, so are his fans. He is racist, and he acts as if he is without fault.