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Teen joblessness may hit record in summer 2011

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 04:25 AM

CHICAGO (Reuters) – A record-low one in four U.S. teenagers will land a summer job in the coming months as a result of a still-poor job market and lost federal funding, according to a report issued on Monday.

As a consequence, urban studies experts said cities like Chicago -- where summer unemployment among African-Americans aged 16 to 19 years approaches 90 percent -- could experience a rise in street violence.

The long-term impact of higher summer joblessness among young people is a less-experienced work force and increased government spending due to lower lifetime earnings, reduced tax revenues and higher prison costs, experts said.

The reccesion *supposedly* ended in 2009 , and the economy is ....getting better they say.....

And what are the numbers they are predicting?

The summer employment rate among U.S. teen-agers this year was projected at between 25 percent and 27 percent, based on an analysis of four decades of employment trends by Andrew Sum of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston. That would be a post-World War Two low, while as recently as 2006 the teen summer employment rate was 37 percent.

Between 25-27% employment. Lowest amount of employed post WW2.

I think im lost.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 07:58 PM
Of course the joblessness for them will hit record numbers. It's teens vs laid off people who have been in the workforce for longer, competing for jobs. The jobs they are competing for, such as McDonalds, can only offer so many jobs to the 100s of applicants. Fast food is no longer a teen job, can say the same for teen "bag boy" jobs. I really feel for the teens these days, they almost have no hope in having income.


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