posted on May, 2 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by just_julie
I must agree that it wouldn't be very secret if we knew all that info. I do personly belive in Aliens atleast half belive in them. I mean have you
ever seen one. Atleast I havent. I saw this movie ones on discovery where they tried to comunicate with a alien in a room.
When they comunicated with the alien it said nothing at first it just sat there and looked at them like nothing ever had happened and it didn't even
moved its mouth when it was going to say something, just tranfered the things he was going to say to another man that sat in the same room. I didn't
personly knew how, but I just like wtf...? I mean is it real or is it fake. It looked very real to me in my eyes. There were more but I'm not going
to bring up right now.
When I think about Aliens I think about universe, when I think about the universe, I think about the world and when I think about the world I think
about Michael Jackson and when I think about MJ I think about the Nature. I do belive in almost everything except Santa, everyone knows that his not
real I hope. I dont belive in magic either.
Anyway, Ailens are like they are and we should accept that. My point is that if there ever has been visitors from the universe on this planet. I think
they get scared by our war. We dont look friendly when we have them. I mean would you like to visit a planet full with war and guns..?? even be friend
with them...??
They spolied to get friends with them ones if that video were real, I saw it on Discovery. The Aliens wanted the military to put the guns away, but
they refused. Pretty stupid I think of them to not put them away
(. If think the Aliens were scared a little time by that, I mean they dont even now
what kind of technology we have. They treat them like prisoners to I think I dont now but I could guess that. If were them I should listen to them and
talk to them and never wear a weapon. Just become friends to start with and never ever ask them for theirs technoligy.