posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by drblair
No sh*t, buddy! I'd like to think cooler heads would prevail. But it seems like the internet has exploded into a blood feast frenzy over this. I was
a loyal supporter of a candidate for Lt. Gov in my state, until tonight. When she began celebrating over the death of this guy, and remarking about
how great it was he was finally executed, and, dumb a$$ me, I just had to comment about something about a trial before we all go crazy and consider
this, and think this might be the end told me to "Get off my page traitor" and before I could
defriend her, I was subjected to all sorts of insults and threats. lol Not that I thought any of those computer commandos could actually harm me, lol,
Just crazy stuff. Insanity. And a week or so from now, all those folks will be at each others' throats, again. This is not what will unite people.