posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 04:58 PM
I am posting because I have a small problem with the math used and conclusions particularly dealing with the 2nd page of the link.
I have some questions for you, taking in these facts and figures.
(From 911 The Great Illusion)
Steel melts at 2800f
Jet Fuel burns at 1800f
Towers burned at 1200fto 1300f
On my link on the second page says: "Structural steel at 1022f has 60% of the strength of steel at normal temperatures".
Also, "The steel structure would have to be reduced to 20% of its rated strength to collapse."
and "Our only concern with this page is to determine the point on the graph where the steel would be weakened to 20% its original strength, and that
point is 1320f.
lastly the writer on this site says the maximum temperature the WTC could have gotten was 680f.
In 911 The Great Illusion, he says 1200f to 1300f, almost twice as much of the estimate of 680f, and Im not confusing centigrade with fahrenheit. The
websites authors case rests upon the fact that burning parking garages(when lighting a controled burn) never exceded 680f so the WTC towers wouldnt
Is there a general argument one way or the other on what temp the towers were?