posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 08:47 PM
Originally posted by websurfer
Originally posted by Jonna
Being discussed here:
being discussed, but not answered..
"ballot box stuffing is so easy to do in cyberspace" answered by mod..
I think Byrd made a rather clear and very good answer.
The only way I see you can near making poll voting online, on a system like ATS, honnest, unbiased and less cheatable, is by only alowing people to
"buy" voting rights with ATS Points.
This can be done in 2 ways:
1: Every partaking in a Poll costs 500-1000 ATS points. I use this number to prevent people from signing up, doing a quick spamspree and being able to
vote. Getting to 500 to 1000 points takes long enough to get, for people to be discouraged or for them to be banned for Intentional spamming before
they are able to get to the treshold. This offcource limited to 1 vote per member per poll.
2: Buying the right to vote on the Poll system, at a one time fee of 5000 to 15000 ATS Points, like the cost to get access to the email system.
Again, not making it cheap and even putting the price rather high, so that its imposible for on purpouse signups.