posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 01:37 AM
This whole business about your "higher-self" has always fascinated me, despite my lack of belief(s). How do you get in touch with your higher-self?
I do agree that "the elite" are corrupting us. I mean I see it in my friends. My friends try hard (a little too hard if you ask me) to be like 50
cent, lady gaga, whiz khalifa (is that how you spell it?), and a lot of other dumb f***s. They look up to these 'role models' (note: I use that term
loosely). They speak like some of them. They typ3 like disz and they be talkin' to these peepz like that. They also refer to girls as--well you can
figure that out. I find it pathetic and rude! They dress like they're in high school! We're in our 20s already and they still misspell a lot of
words. It's so sad. It saddens me to see that my generation (part of it anyway) can't spell properly and speak the english language; and by that I
mean they don't speak proper english.
Did I go off topic? I feel I was ranting...sorry.