posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:42 PM
Here's a query for you, Can anyone tell me how many flags I have given in the existence of my membership here on ATS? The answer is no you cannot tell
what threads I have flagged or posts I have starred. You liken this with facebooks Like feature and Unlike, which is personalized to you specifically.
Therein it makes sense why they would allow you to unlike something you previously liked. To me it makes that person appear entirely indecisive.
None the less, the Flag and Star system is anonymous unless you choose to make the poster aware, so I am having trouble understanding why you would
feel the urge to remove a flag. If it's because you feel that strongly about the post, then just as people tell posters they have starred or flagged a
thread, do the opposite if you feel so inclined.
Will it remove the Flag or Star, No...but you will have effectively shown the person that your initial Star or Flag has now figuratively been removed
in your mind...or just say nothing and no one but you will be the wiser to what you Star and Flag, and what you don't.
Simple enough?
edit on 4/30/2011 by UberL33t because: