posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:59 PM
They have been monitoring all communications for quite some time through Pine Gap, it is why one of our Prime Ministers got kicked out of office
trying to stop it. Monsanto is here making a mess of things and buying up politicians to get there way, evil, sick, greedy bastards. We do make our
own vaccinations, seam to be a bit better than some of the other ones going around, but still have problems. Our media is part of the same global
propaganda system and full of lies, crap and omissions most of the time.
Gun control is very tightly regulated since a massacrer about 10 years ago, it is not easy to get a gun these days. Some theories say this was a false
flag attack, I have not looked into it enough to decide but there are a few questions about the events. The NWO has been pumping its propaganda down
here for a long time and has a lot of people on board. Some promote Australia as the safe place as all the overcrowding in other parts of the world
are going to cause a lot of chaos as TSHTF. I am not sure about this though as Australia already has a harsh environment and it is getting more
unstable with climate change.