posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:18 PM
okay I guess I'm going to have to back this up....
There is a ton in common between Pagan Sun worship and The worship of "God's Son"...
One is the connection between Xmas and the Roman Pagan festivals called Saturnalia(a pre-winter solstice gift giving festival that ran from Dec.
17th-dec 23rd)and Kalenda(a post winter solstice festival that lasted 8 days after the winter solstice ) and the Roman celebration of the "the birth
of the invincible sun" on December 25...
The winter solstice happens on December 21st or 22nd and it represents the last day of the sun dieing(or the days getting shorter)... In ancient
times it seemed as if the sun died or rested for three days as there was virtually no change in the light of day and then was born again on December
25th... This was noted by the celebration of "the birth(rebirth, ressurection) of the invincible sun" and then the days start getting longer ...Sounds
similiar to a Christian story, doesn't it?
When "Christianity" became the official religion of the Roman Empire it was much easier to just replace the celebration of the "birth of the
invincible Sun God" with the the "birth of the invincible Son of God" than to try to get all of the pagans in the empire to stop worshipping the
rebirth of the sun...
This is the case with most "Christian" holidays... The early Roman church simply took Pagan holidays and converted them to Christian ones.... Based on
the little bit of info we have on Jesus' birth most modern scholars agree he was born sometime in late summer to early fall...
There are also a lot of connections between the lives of other Pagan Gods and story of the life of Jesus.... Most notably the Pagan Gods Mithra and
edit on 28-4-2011 by wearewatchingyouman because: clarity