posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by gdaub23
Look at it like this:
Back in the day, before youtube, before the internet even, the only place to find any real evidence was books written about UFO cases, TV shows about
them, and so on. There was a very large, very good filter keeping the dross out. Now that any Tom, Dick, or Harry can upload any old thing (and have
it be viewed, which is the more important part) we see
everything rather than what's been skimmed off the top, and a
lot of it is
exactly as terrible as you'd expect from a completely free, open system that lets anyone post anything.
Add on to that the fact that any video/picture/and-so-on that's labeled "UFO" will immediately gather hits makes it even harder to gauge good
evidence without watching every video. People are being over-informed, and it's showing. Having so much just makes everything cheaper and less
interesting, not to mention making it much more difficult to find what would have been the cream skimmed from the top before.
Nobody has to send anything to be analyzed either. They get a picture or video and boom, they get attention. Before, they had to be scrutinized
before even being allowed to have a forum of viewers.
All we have here is an over-saturation of information which devalues the entire thing. I feel your pain.